One of the newest purebred cats in the world, the lilac Burmese cat has a unique history full of interesting tidbits and facts. For starters, there’s both a British and American variation, but it has a decidedly American origin story.
But with the lilac Burmese cat, that’s just the tip of the iceberg, so keep reading and you can learn a bit more about this adorable and playful cat!
The Earliest Records of Lilac Burmese Cats in History
The first Burmese cat came into existence back in 1930 after a sailor brought back a single cat that he named Wong Mau1. Breeders loved the cat and bred it with Siamese cats in the United States, and thus the Burmese cat came into existence.
However, it took quite a while from 1930 for lilac Burmese cats to enter the scene. The first recorded lilac Burmese cats, also called Platinum, were in 1971. By 1973, Burmese cats were producing all-lilac litters, and by 1972, they were a staple in the breeding program.
This makes the lilac Burmese cat one of the newest purebred cats in the industry.
How Lilac Burmese Cats Gained Popularity
The Burmese cat gained popularity in the United States simply because of their hardy stock, intelligent personality, and outgoing and loving demeanor. People couldn’t get enough of them, and this led to an early and robust breeding program in the 1930s.
In the same way, lilac Burmese cats simply gained popularity because people liked the way they look. They retain all the outstanding features that come with a typical Burmese cat, and the lilac appearance is just another signature trait that so many people love.
Burmese cats are adorable and friendly, and today, they still make great companions for millions of people around the world.
Formal Recognition of Lilac Burmese Cats
While the breed originated in 1930, it took a little longer for them to gain formal recognition. The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) in the United States were the first formal organization to recognize the cat as a breed in 1936, but they suspended the breed’s registration in 1947 and didn’t resume registration again until 1957.
Meanwhile, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in England (GCCF) accepted Burmese cats in 1952, although lilac Burmese cats didn’t originally make the cut from either the CFA or the GCCF.
Lilac Burmese cats officially gained recognition in 1979, although the official name for “lilac” Burmese cats is “platinum.”
Top 5 Unique Facts About Lilac Burmese Cats
With so much history surrounding the Burmese cat, it’s not hard to find tons of unique facts about the breed. We’ve tracked down five of our favorites for you here:
1. They’re Extroverted Cats
While many cats prefer to hide under couches and sofas, that’s not the case with the Burmese cat. Not only are they extremely curious and loving, but they’ll actively seek out plenty of attention from their owners.
Whether you want to play games with your cat or get a lap cat, a Burmese cat is a great choice. They’re incredibly playful and curious, so don’t expect a quiet cat that’s sitting in the corner or under a bed all day!
2. They’re Noisy
Burmese cats are more than a little chatty. While they don’t meow quite as much as a Siamese cat, they still carry Siamese cat traits. If you’re getting a Burmese cat, you better be ready to listen to what they have to say from time to time.
Whether they want you to feed them, pet them, or just look at them, a Burmese cat is going to let you know when they want your attention.
3. There Are Both British and American Burmese Cats
If you’re looking at getting a Burmese cat, you’ll need to decide if you want a British or American variation. American Burmese cats are a bit stockier and have shorter and flatter heads, while British Burmese cats have longer heads and a slightly leaner build. There’s no wrong choice here, just pick your favorite!
4. They Come in Four Colors
There are three additional colors to pick from. These colors are sable, champagne, and blue. Of course, these are for “formal” Burmese cats. If you’re not looking for a purebred, there are plenty more color options to pick from.
5. They Love to Play
Whether you’re playing games with them or giving them plenty of interactive toys, if you’re getting a Burmese cat, ensure you give them a way to spend their time and energy. They’re great as lap cats, but they’ll still want to get down and play from time to time.
Does a Lilac Burmese Cat Make a Good Pet?
Yes! If you’re looking for an extroverted cat that loves to play, the Burmese cat is an outstanding choice. They’re not typical cats that are going to run away from you. Instead, they’re going to actively seek out time to play.
They’re extremely smart and loving, and because they’re a newer purebred breed, they’re prone to fewer health concerns than many other types of cats. If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for and loving pet, a lilac Burmese cat is a great pet choice—just be ready to spend a few hundred bucks to get one.
With the Burmese cat, you’re getting an outstanding breed with a rich history, even if it is on the newer side of things. Lilac might not be an official color designation with the Burmese cat, but with how quickly things have changed with this breed through the years, it wouldn’t surprise us if either the CFA or the GCCF formally recognizes the lilac name before long!
Featured Image Credit: Julija Sulkovska, Shutterstock
- The Earliest Records of Lilac Burmese Cats in History
- How Lilac Burmese Cats Gained Popularity
- Formal Recognition of Lilac Burmese Cats
- Top 5 Unique Facts About Lilac Burmese Cats
- 1. They’re Extroverted Cats
- 2. They’re Noisy
- 3. There Are Both British and American Burmese Cats
- 4. They Come in Four Colors
- 5. They Love to Play
- Does a Lilac Burmese Cat Make a Good Pet?
- Conclusion