Cat Health & Care

smiling female veterinarian petting a cat

How to Make a Cat Feel Better After Vaccines: 3 Vet-Approved Tips

Vaccines are vital for any cat’s long-term well-being and quality of life, but for a short period after receiving them, shots can cause several irritating side effects. Mild pain is typical, as is mild tiredness. Depending on your cat’s personality the stress of the vet visit could contribute to their signs. Though recovering from vaccines […]

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PawTree Pet Supplement

PawTree Tear & Saliva Stain Remover Chews Review 2024: A Detailed Look

Just about every owner of a light-colored dog or cat knows the struggle with tear stains is real. Often, switching to a higher-quality diet can do wonders to stop tear stains in their tracks. But for some pets, even the highest quality food isn’t enough to put an end to those unsightly reddish-brown stains. For

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cat eating wet tuna food

How Long Can You Leave Wet Cat Food Out? Vet-Verified Health & Safety Info

The clock starts ticking as soon as you open your cat’s can of food. Feline wet food will grow bacteria, accumulate bacterial toxins, and spoil much faster than dry food. Generally, wet cat food can only stay out for around 2 to 4 hours before becoming potentially dangerous for your cat to eat. However, you

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female veterinarian doing virtual vet visits

Virtual Vet Visits: What to Expect & FAQ (Vet Verified)

Virtual doctor visits or telemedicine is a product of the pandemic and the restrictions it imposed. Nevertheless, virtual vet visits have stuck around and serve a purpose and have many benefits for pet owners, particularly for cats. Dogs often ride in vehicles, whether going to the vet or the doggie park. Meanwhile, cats don’t typically

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calico sphynx cat on the table

How Long Do Sphynx Cats Live? Vet Reviewed Lifespan, Care Tips & FAQ

You can’t help but notice a Sphynx cat. The large ears and almond-shaped eyes command your attention. It’s no wonder that they are the 10th most popular breed! Of course, the kitty’s outgoing and energetic personality also helps endear them to pet owners. One question many people consider when deciding on an animal companion is

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Asian leopard kitten on the wooden table

When Can Kittens Leave Their Mom? Vet-Verified Facts & FAQ

Kittens are born helpless and blind—dependent on mom to get them through life. After the first several weeks, mom and onlookers alike will be shocked at how quickly they grow and become independent entities apart from their caretaker. If you have a litter of kittens or you’re wondering how to care for an abandoned litter,

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