Dr. Stacie Grannum DVM (Veterinarian)

Dr. Stacie Grannum was born and raised in Arizona. When she was five, an encounter with a tiny animal changed her life forever. A baby bird fell high from its nest, and Dr. Grannum diligently cared for it. Sadly, despite her attempts to save the little birds life, the little bird did not survive. From this heartbreaking loss came a new ambition, carving the path that Dr. Grannum followed. She knew that she wanted to pursue a career in veterinary medicine. She worked hard toward that goal and dedicated her time to pursuing her dream.  Today, her focus is on pet health, particularly wellness and preventive medicine. She also enjoys writing about pet health and is eager to share her knowledge with other pet lovers. In 2014, Dr. Grannum earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree from Colorado State University.

Cat Stinky

Why Do My Cat’s Farts Smell Like Eggs? Our Vet Explains

Have you ever noticed that your cat’s farts seem to smell like rotten eggs? Is there a way to prevent this unpleasant scent? That rotten egg odor is primarily due to sulfur compounds produced in the digestive process. When cats eat certain foods, especially those rich in fiber or specific types of carbohydrates, their digestion […]

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Scared Tabby cat trying to hide

Tremors in Cats: Our Vet Discusses Signs, Causes & Treatment

While the jitterbug may have been a popular swing dance among humans, it’s important to remember that cats don’t normally jitter, the dance or otherwise (to a certain extent—cats can shiver if they are frightened or cold). So, if you notice that your cat is trembling, jerking, shaking with every movement, or having difficulty maintaining

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Why Does My Cat Smell Like Rotten Eggs? Our Vet Discusses Reasons & Tips

It’s important to pay attention to any unusual odors coming from your pet. If your cat smells like sulfur or rotten eggs, it’s crucial to determine the cause, as it could be periodontal disease, an infection, or something to do with their diet. Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian for a thorough check-up to identify

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Cornish rex cat sitting on the grass

10 Cornish Rex Health Issues You Should Know (Vet Answer)

The first Cornish Rex kitten was born in Cornwall, U.K., in the 1950s due to a genetic mutation.1 This breed is known for its very fine, short coat. While Cornish Rex cats are generally healthy, pet parents need to be aware that they can develop health issues that may require veterinary attention. The 10 Potential

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man petting a sick siberian cat

What Can I Give My Cat for Pain at Home? Our Vet Discusses 10 Home Remedies

Alleviating your cat’s pain is generally achieved through the use of pain medications prescribed by your veterinarian. However, there are other ways to help manage your cat’s pain that can be used in conjunction with medications or used separately. Adding supplements to your cat’s diet or trying home remedies should always be discussed with your

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Cat playfully bites the fingers of a human hand

7 Reasons Why Cats Bite and How to Stop It (Vet Answer)

Cats express themselves and communicate with their owners through body language cues and vocalizations. These may include a flickering tail, a crouched posture, purring, or meowing. Biting is another way that cats communicate. There are a few reasons that a cat may bite, so let’s delve further into this behavior and learn ways to prevent

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domestic striped kitten with a sad face feels sick

Low Blood Pressure in Cats: Our Vet Explains the Signs, Causes, Treatments & FAQ

Low blood pressure occurs less commonly in cats than high blood pressure does. Causes may include blood loss, severe infection, heart disease, or even side effects from medications. Cats with low blood pressure may have pale gums, weakness, behavioral changes, or a lower-than-normal body temperature (hypothermia). Correctly treating low blood pressure involves determining the underlying

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vet examining a cat's eye with a device

Corneal Ulcer In Cats: Our Vet Explains the Causes, Signs & Treatment Options

The eyes are often called, “the windows to the soul,” and this is also true for our feline friends. We can decipher how our cat is feeling just by the appearance of their eyes. Bright, round, responsive eyes may indicate that your cat is feeling great. Persistently squinty, tightly closed, watery eyes may indicate a

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9 Health Risks for Overweight Cats (Vet Answer)

“Chonky” cats, though rather adorable, may be prone to serious health risks due to being overweight. Nearly 60% of cats in North America are overweight, making obesity one of the most common and preventable diseases affecting domestic cats today. A cat is considered overweight when they are more than 10–20% above their ideal body weight and

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