Matt Jackson

Matt is a freelance writer from the UK. He lives with his partner and daughter, as well as one dog and two cats. A data analyst by trade, Matt moved from numbers to words more than 15 years ago and has been writing content ever since. Having volunteered at a local animal sanctuary, he has a lot of experience with different breeds of cats, dogs and horses. He currently shares his home with his partner and daughter, as well as a rescue dog from Macedonia (which might be an Akita cross) and two cats. Matt has also kept bearded dragons, a variety of birds, fish, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, and rats. His daughter has adopted the same passion for animals, keeping and breeding snakes. A geek at heart, Matt is a member of a local board gaming group that meets weekly, and regularly forces his family to “enjoy” board games with him at home.

Cute bengal cat siting on window sill

Do Cats Grieve When Another Pet Dies? 7 Signs Your Cat is Grieving & How to Help

Cats can form very strong bonds with their humans, other cats in their household, and even other family pets including dogs. While your cat can’t use words to tell you they are grieving, they are expressive animals that have other ways to convey their emotions. You may notice a change in eating habits, toileting habits,

Do Cats Grieve When Another Pet Dies? 7 Signs Your Cat is Grieving & How to Help Read More »

sick cat lying down

Vet Clinic Is Closed, What Do I Do? 5 Vet Approved Steps & Options

Whether your pet has been involved in an accident, eaten something they shouldn’t, or has come down with some mysterious illness, an owner’s first port of call is typically their vet. But what do you do if your vet is closed? Not all illnesses and accidents occur within vet operating hours. Below, we look at

Vet Clinic Is Closed, What Do I Do? 5 Vet Approved Steps & Options Read More »

young cat owner with cat using her laptop

Can AI Tell When a Cat Is Happy? Interpreting Body Language Through Technology

Cats are often unpredictable, difficult to read, and aloof. And, for a lot of cat lovers, it is part of their appeal. Most people struggle to be able to read a cat’s mood, so can we expect artificial intelligence, which is said to simulate human intelligence, to be able to read a cat’s emotions or

Can AI Tell When a Cat Is Happy? Interpreting Body Language Through Technology Read More »

Microchiping cat in vet clinic by veterinarians

UK Cat Chipping Law: What Is It & What You Need to Know (Vet-Verified)

It’s been on the cards ever since dog microchipping became compulsory in the UK, and as of June 2024, it is now a legal requirement that all pet cats in England are microchipped before they reach the age of 20 weeks. Breeders do not need to chip cats before selling them, but most rescues will

UK Cat Chipping Law: What Is It & What You Need to Know (Vet-Verified) Read More »

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