Catster Editorial Team

Catster is a cat magazine and cat website where cat lovers come together and get expert advice about cat behavior, cat health and cat news.

New Era Vet Hospital - heroes of the pet world

Heroes of the Pet World: New Era Veterinary Hospital

Veterinarians, vet technicians, practice managers, rescuers, behaviorists, nutritionists, trainers, volunteers, and other animal professionals are the backbone of pet ownership. Helping pets and their families live in harmony and health together. Catster wants to highlight some of these underrated champions of the animal world—who we like to refer to as Heroes of The Pet World.

Heroes of the Pet World: New Era Veterinary Hospital Read More »

grey cat lying on the carpet beside pee spot

How To Remove Cat Urine Smell From Your Whole House: 5 Vet-Verified Tips

For all the joy they bring into the home, one aspect of having a cat that most owners don’t often appreciate is the smell. Experienced pet parents know it only takes one indoor accident to create a pungent odor throughout the house. With their highly concentrated urine that can readily soak into various hard and

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woman wearing rubber gloves spraying the floor

How to Get Rid of Cat Spray Smell: 6 Tips & Home Remedies

Cat spray smell is a common problem for many pet owners, as our feline friends can develop a bad habit of urinating outside the box when they’re sick, stressed, or threatened. After all, misery loves company, and the extra-pungent odor is a surefire way to ensure everyone in the home is equally uncomfortable. Since it’s

How to Get Rid of Cat Spray Smell: 6 Tips & Home Remedies Read More »

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