Felines Weekly

Life with 5 cats: it's not easy, but it's not all bad news!

The Harsh Reality of Life with 10 Pets Part 2: Hairballs, Cat Litter & Fur on EVERYTHING

Hi, I’m Dr. Karyn! Read my introduction to learn more about me and meet my five hilarious cats: Clutch, Cyril, Alex, Zelda, and Zazzles. Check out Part 1: Dogs Don’t Take Days Off at Dogster.com. This week, I have decided to have a bit of a moan, and talk to you about how life with five cats […]

The Harsh Reality of Life with 10 Pets Part 2: Hairballs, Cat Litter & Fur on EVERYTHING Read More »

Shown here is Pancake having a garden stroll. Remember, your cat may love being outside, but they also risk sunburn, just like people.

Slip, Slop, Slap: Feline Sunburn at a Glance

Hi, I’m Dr. Lauren! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my two adventurous cats, Pancake and Tiller. Slip, slop, slap goes the famous Aussie saying, encouraging the use of sunscreen. As humans, thanks in part to large public awareness campaigns such as this one, we’ve become eminently aware of the risks of sun exposure,

Slip, Slop, Slap: Feline Sunburn at a Glance Read More »

Two laps are better than one - making sure no one is left out.

Conversion Therapy with Clutch: Turning Cat Haters Into Cat Lovers

Hi, I’m Dr. Karyn! Read my introduction to learn more about me and meet my five hilarious cats: Clutch, Cyril, Alex, Zelda, and Zazzles. If there’s one thing that Clutch will not tolerate, it’s a cat hater. He seems to make it his mission to convert even the most committed ailurophobe into an ailurophile,1 and he doesn’t

Conversion Therapy with Clutch: Turning Cat Haters Into Cat Lovers Read More »

Tiller says Hey Pancake, is that the spot?

I’ll Scratch Your Back if You Scratch Mine: Itchy Cats

Hi, I’m Dr. Lauren! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my two adventurous cats, Pancake and Tiller. As a vet, this is a common time of year that I get all sorts of complaints about itchy cats. The warm weather leads to plants and trees that blossom, increasing the number of pollens and other

I’ll Scratch Your Back if You Scratch Mine: Itchy Cats Read More »

This is my serious face.

Living with Cats That Love to Bite: Olga’s Fondness for Fangs

Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Olga isn’t aggressive, but like a Golden Retriever puppy, she likes using her mouth to express herself. She was a little blue demon who bit and tore through my house when she was a kitten. When I tried to

Living with Cats That Love to Bite: Olga’s Fondness for Fangs Read More »

Pancake can sleep through almost any noise, Tiller not so much.

Having a (Not So) Blast on the Fourth of July: Dr. Lauren’s Tips

Hi, I’m Dr. Lauren! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my two adventurous cats, Pancake and Tiller. When the 4th of July holiday rolls around, it’s a good time to remember that not all of us enjoy these celebrations that include loud noises and aerial explosions. In recent years, as various municipalities attempt to

Having a (Not So) Blast on the Fourth of July: Dr. Lauren’s Tips Read More »

Please be quieter. Your typing is too loud!

Antifreeze Poisoning in Cats: Keeping Olga Safe From Toxic Chemicals

Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga. Antifreeze and other chemicals containing ethylene glycol, such as hydraulic fluid, de-icing products, motor oil, paints, solvents, and wood stains, are toxic to cats and other animals. A small spoonful of antifreeze can kill a cat, and most felines

Antifreeze Poisoning in Cats: Keeping Olga Safe From Toxic Chemicals Read More »

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