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As obligate carnivores, it’s no wonder that cats absolutely love any product that comes from an animal, including dairy! Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean they can have these products, but they certainly will be attracted to them.
You might have heard that your cat can have lean meats and other carefully prepared animal products outside of their natural diet. But what about quail eggs? Quail eggs are very tiny, speckled eggs that carry a wealth of nutrients. Like chicken eggs, quail eggs can serve a very nutritionally beneficial purpose for cats. Cats can have quail eggs scrambled or boiled, but we always recommend the eggs are cooked.
Granted, you will want to give your cat quail eggs in moderation. We’re going to explore more on the subject below.
Consult Your Vet
Even though quail eggs are safe for your cat to consume, you should always consult your vet before switching or adding anything to their diet. If your cat is immunocompromised in any way or has a particular health concern, your vet might advise against feeding them quail eggs, or they could advise you on how to provide the eggs safely.
Keep in mind that the information in this article is not a replacement for professional veterinary guidance, and you should work alongside your vet for any of your cat’s daily nutritional needs.
If you need to speak with a vet but can’t get to one, head over to PangoVet. It’s an online service where you can talk to a vet online and get the personalized advice you need for your pet — all at an affordable price!
Health Benefits of Quail Eggs for Cats
Quail eggs certainly carry health benefits for cats. Not to mention, they are perfectly portioned for a nice little serving to add as a topper to dry kibble or wet cat food. Cats should be fed high-quality cat food which will provide them with all the nutrition they need. However, quail eggs can make an excellent occasional treat.
1. Contains Lots of Protein
One of the most apparent benefits of cats eating quail eggs is the abundance of protein. Since cats are carnivores, they love all the animal protein they can get. It is an essential building block in their systems, helping the body create strong muscles, tendons, and other soft tissue, as well as aid tissue repair.
One quail egg contains more than 1 gram of protein 1. This is an excellent little enhancement to your cat’s daily meals.
2. Provides a Little Extra Calcium
Generally, cats get enough calcium in their daily diet. However, they can also get a boost from eating quail eggs. The shells are especially abundant in calcium, and some cats will enjoy crunching on these as well; others will ignore them entirely. You can include the shell when cooking the eggs, but many cats will pick it out.
3. Contains Choline
Quail eggs also contain a decent amount of choline. Choline is thought to be important in cognitive and nervous system function, as well as liver function. It’s used in the detoxification pathways in the liver and is a precursor to chemicals that are needed for the nervous system to function.
Precautions to Take When Feeding Quail Eggs to Cats
Even though raw and cooked quail eggs are extremely good for your cat, feeding raw eggs that have not been in-shell pasteurized is not recommended due to the risk of Salmonella. While some online blogs claim that Salmonella can not grow in quail eggs; that is not true, and a study1 published in the Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences discovered that almost 6% of the eggs tested were positive for Salmonella enteritidis.
Signs of Food Poisoning in Cats
Cats can contract certain foodborne illnesses from raw eggs, most commonly Salmonella. It can cause a whirlwind of gastrointestinal problems from very mild signs to severe signs.
- Mild to severe fever
- Inappetence
- Diarrhea – mild to severe, may be bloody
- Vomiting
- Lethargy
- Dehydration
- Coughing
- Septicemia
If your cat shows any of these signs, contact your vet for advice, evaluation, and treatment.
High Fat Content
One quail egg has just under a gram of fat in it. Cats can easily become overweight, which can lead to a plethora of other associated diseases, so it is important that we keep this healthy snack to little and occasionally.
Where Can You Find Quail Eggs?
Quail eggs will be a little harder to come by than chicken eggs, as you often don’t find them at the local grocery store. So, where exactly do you get quail eggs?
You can find quail eggs in abundance online. You can shop on sites like Amazon, Etsy, and even places like Walmart. You might have a little difficulty finding them in-store, but they seem to be readily available online. Remember that this requires shipping, so safe handling is a must.
You can always source quail eggs locally as well. Some farmers and enthusiasts keep quails and sell their eggs for a small profit. You could always check for suggestions about farm markets in your area.
Ways to Serve Quail Eggs
A good general rule of thumb when feeding quail eggs to cats is one quail egg once or twice a week. You can practically serve quail eggs to your cat any way you see fit. Here are the most common ways your cat can enjoy these tiny, protein-packed goodies.
Boiling eggs is a pretty easy task, eliminating the chances of foodborne illnesses. Boiling quail eggs takes significantly less time than boiling a chicken egg. On average, it takes between 90 seconds to 2 minutes of boiling, depending on the consistency you want.
You can crack the quail eggs and cook them in a skillet. If you choose this method, do not use any dairy products like butter or milk. You might find this a little messy if you don’t use a non-stick pan, as eggs are known to stick without using some cooking lubricant.
Cats can eat quail eggs in moderation. Like chicken eggs, quail eggs can provide numerous benefits to your cat, but it’s important to consult with your vet before adding anything new to your cat’s diet. If you do feed quail eggs to your cat, it’s best to feed them boiled or cooked, as feeding raw eggs can allow harmful bacteria to enter your cat’s digestive system. Quail eggs are high in fat as well as protein, so moderation is necessary to prevent your cat becoming overweight. They should only be given as treats alongside a good-quality cat food diet.
Featured Image Credit: photo nuke, Shutterstock