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Bingus is a cat video that has gone viral, and many people love it. The video displays a comical hairless cat getting its face stretched by its owner. We know that Bingus is either a Sphynx or a Don Sphynx, but no one really knows the exact breed of the Bingus Cat. Although the video was not initially a viral success, it has become more popular recently. We’ll discuss everything from when and where the video was posted to theories fans have about Bingus’ breed.
What is Bingus?
On March 22nd, 2020, a video of a man stretching and scrunching the face of a hairless cat was posted to Instagram by user “subarusocks.” The post gained little attention and, over 7 months, gained 1,600 likes. The day after the original video was posted, user “big chungles” reposted the video, and his post gained 27,000 likes in the same 7-month period. The earliest record of the cat being referred to as “Bingus” is from June 9th, 2020, when multiple comments on big chungles post read “hi Bingus.”
On September 8th, 2020, a picture of Bingus was posted to the subreddit r/ambien by user “haydongers,” causing the Bingus meme’s popularity to skyrocket. The post was titled “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. hi Bingus…” and garnered 2,800 upvotes in a month and currently sits at 7,900. The original video was posted to the subreddit r/aww 12 days later and amassed 17,500 upvotes in a mere 22 days. This led to “Bingus” entering the internet’s collective dictionary, and the word is used to refer to all hairless cats.
However, memes typically have a short shelf life, and Bingus was no different. The longer a meme lasts, the less funny the average person finds it, leading to it becoming old news and being abandoned. These are commonly referred to as “dead memes.” However, unlike most dead memes, Bingus was revived.
Horror YouTuber “Corpse Husband” mentioned Bingus during a Twitch stream. While streaming the video game “Among Us,” Corpse’s Husband mentioned Bingus and inadvertently brought it back. His subscriber base of well over 7 million began to mention Bingus more and more, and it became linked with Among Us, which became a meme in his community and quickly spread.
What Breed is Bingus cat?
Bingus’ breed isn’t known, nor is his actual name or the name of his owner. We don’t even know for sure where the video originally came from. We know that Bingus cat is either a Sphynx or a Don Sphynx, but it’s impossible to tell with the footage we have. His owner also likely lives in China, which has led many to believe that the video was originally posted on Weibo, China’s version of Twitter.
A post on the subreddit r/bingus by the user “Can a dude a taco” claims that the user who first posted Bingus on Reddit, hay dongers, is friends with the original creator of Bingus and that the creator wishes to remain anonymous. The original creator is most likely the cat’s owner, and if they wish to remain anonymous, they probably won’t be sharing Bingus’ breed or name.
Wrap Up
As you can see, there is not much information on Bingus’ origin. The cat resembles a Sphynx, but that’s difficult to confirm from the video. Although the Bingus meme did not catch on initially, it’s become more popular. The Bingus cat is now quite famous, and several people refer to a hairless cat as a “Bingus.”
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Featured Image Credit: Ivanova N, Shutterstock