Cats’ noses are powerful, and if they come across a smell they like, they can give themselves over to it wholeheartedly. They’ll rub up against it, roll in it, or do anything to get closer to it, and they lose all sense of the outside world in the process.
If you enjoy watching your cat savor a smell that they love, each odor on this list is sure to drive your cat wild, and they’ll no doubt be incredibly appreciative that you’ve filled your home with things that they love to sniff.
The 9 Smells That Cats Like
1. Catnip

Catnip’s association with felines is so strong the plant is named after cats. Of course, it may not be the smell of catnip that felines enjoy as much as the powerful effect it can have on them. In fact, catnip has diverse effects on cats depending on how it’s ingested and the cat’s age and genetics.
The effects can be as a stimulant or a sedative and can even make a cat hyper-excited. Catnip binds and stimulates the cat’s dopamine receptors. If your cat seems high after sniffing catnip, it is because the main substance, Nepetalactone, resembles the structure of sexual hormones in the cat. Still, the plant is entirely safe for cats and can be used as a training aid. Interestingly, some cats do not feel any effect or attraction to catnip.
2. Valerian Root
Valerian root works much the same as catnip, creating a euphoric effect in most cats. After a few minutes, the effect wears off, and the herb acts as a sedative, causing the cat to become drowsy. As a result, valerian root can keep your cat calm and placid before road trips or visits to the vet.
It’s also perfect for cats who don’t respond to catnip, as it has a different active ingredient. You can even take it yourself if you’re looking for an all-natural sleep aid, but don’t let your cat see you raiding their private stash.
3. Olive
Surprisingly, many cats also seem to be very attracted to olives. Interestingly, olive leaves contain a compound called “oleuropein,” which has been used as a treatment for high blood pressure and high blood sugar as well as to reduce inflammation thanks to its antioxidant effects. It is even used as a treatment against infections. Unfortunately, there are no scientific studies to prove this, and the uses are based on anecdotal evidence and studies with other species.
4. Honeysuckle
If you plant honeysuckle in your garden, you can watch as your cat slowly weaves in and out of the leaves, stopping occasionally to rub up against them. That’s because cats love the scent, and although the ASPCA lists one of the 200 species, Fuchsia triphylla, as non-toxic to cats, the UK’s Animal Poisonline site mentions that some species are considered to be of “low toxicity” and may cause vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy to a cat. Therefore, it’s best if you don’t let them eat any part of the plant, so make sure they’re just enjoying it for the smell.
5. Cat Thyme
Cat thyme (Teucrium marum) is not the herb you would use for cooking, although it resembles it. Cat thyme has similar soothing effects as catnip. Cats seem euphoric and experience feelings of contentment after smelling cat thyme.
It has a different chemical than catnip to attract felines. Catnip smells musky, while cat thyme has a minty camphor odor.
6. Flowers
Many flowers can appeal to cats, and they’ll spend much time sniffing their petals. Roses, daisies, and lilies seem especially inviting, but be careful about which bouquets you bring home, as some flowers are highly toxic to cats.
Of course, that’s nothing compared to the toxicity that you’ll receive from your partner if you explain that the dozen roses that you brought home on Valentine’s Day are actually for the cat.
7. Fruits
Not all fruit scents are attractive to cats; they seem to hate citrus. Other fruits are more appealing, such as watermelon, peach, and strawberry. Some cats are content to sniff and rub up against the fruit, while others will be tempted to take a bite or two.
Make sure that whatever fruit you have out is safe for cats. Never leave unattended grapes or raisins where your cat can reach them as they are toxic to cats.
8. Basil
If you’ve noticed that your cat spends more time in the kitchen when you’re cooking with basil, you’re not imagining things. Basil is in the same family as catnip, and they also seem to be very attracted to it.
However, while many cats like the smell of basil, few seem to like the taste. As a result, it’s unlikely that your cat will go as wild for basil as they do for catnip, but they still might appreciate you keeping some around (especially if it’s sprinkled on baked chicken).
9. You
It may not seem like it all the time, but chances are you’re one of your cat’s absolute favorite things. They love your smell, as it reminds them of you. That’s why they’re constantly rubbing up against you; not only does this mark you as their personal property, but it also allows them to experience your scent in all its glory.
You may even catch your cat curling up in your dirty laundry occasionally. Knowing that your cat is snuggling with your dirty socks may be a little gross, but it’s also heartwarming.
The Nose Knows
If you want to show your cat how much you love them, surrounding them with some of their favorite scents is a great way to do it. Not only will that make their environment much more pleasant, but in some cases, it will also profoundly affect their well-being. Of course, you need to be careful with plants and herbs as several of them can be toxic to your cat, and others, like catnip, can be toxic to your valuables if your cat starts racing around like an animal possessed.
- Related Read: 25 Plants That Are Safe for Cats
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