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International Cat Day: When It Is & How You Can Celebrate

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on September 3, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

cats in animal shelter

International Cat Day: When It Is & How You Can Celebrate


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Dr. Paola Cuevas

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One of the nicest ways you can show someone love and appreciation is to celebrate them. A celebration is a way to recognize someone or bring attention to a particular need, accomplishment, or life-changing event.

In 2002, the International Fund for Animal Welfare1 recognized a need to honor our feline companions. International Cat Day is celebrated every year on August 8th around the world and is used to raise awareness for cats and learn how to protect them.


When Is International Cat Day?

International Cat Day is celebrated on August 8th every year. Custodianship of International Cat Day was passed to the British organization International Cat Care in 2020, but the goal is still the same.

Countries around the world celebrate in their own way, but it’s always on August 8th.

vet and assistant holding cats
Image By: 4 PM production, Shutterstock

What Is International Cat Day?

International Cat Day is designed to unite cat lovers across the world and celebrate cats as companions. With an estimated 600 million cats being kept as pets worldwide, cats are a really popular pet in many countries.

On this day, charities, specialists, and veterinary professionals come together to spread awareness about issues affecting cats and show their passion for cats. Among these issues is the rampant feral cat populations that are vulnerable to illness or outdoor dangers.

How Can You Celebrate?

Celebrating your pet comes easily to most pet owners. We are proud pet owners and love to post pictures or videos of them in all their cuteness. On their birthdays, some people have parties or take them somewhere special. The same applies to International Cat Day.

If you do not already have a few ideas, here are some things you can do to honor all the cats in the world.

  • Adopt a pet!
  • Have a neighborhood yard sale and donate all the proceeds to your local shelter or spay/neuter program.
  • Donate some time to an animal rescue.
  • Donate supplies or your pet’s unused items to your local shelter or rescue.
  • Organize a neighborhood shelter. All the animal lovers can get together to set up shelters on their property and share the food expenses for the stray cats in your area.
  • Buy a cat tree.
  • Give your cat lots of love and affection.
  • Make a cat cake!

Other Cat Holidays

In addition to International Cat Day, there are quite a few days for celebrating cats. We have “take your cat to work” days and holidays for cats based solely on their color. Feline lovers have holidays for black cats and appreciate ginger cats. There is a lengthy list of holidays celebrating cats and pets.

National Black Cat Day

black tiffany cat
Image By: Anna Krivitskaya, Shutterstock

National Black Cat Day on October 27th. It is a day of celebration for black cat lovers to flaunt their furry friends and provides them an opportunity to possibly change people’s perception that black cats are associated with the occult and bring bad luck.

Unfortunately, in some areas, black cats have an image of being bad luck and are depicted as witches and evil. However, in Scotland, Britain, and Japan, seeing a black cat is a sign of future wealth and good luck.

Ginger Cat Appreciation Day

Image By: Meriluxa, Shutterstock

Founded by Chris Roy, an animal activist and rescuer of a stray named Doobert, Ginger Cat Appreciation Day is celebrated on September 1st. Mr. Roy has dedicated this day to appreciating ginger cats. He established it not only to celebrate your little feline but it is a reminder to give food and shelter to stray animals like Doobert.

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International Cat Day and other cat holidays raise awareness for the issues cats face. So, cat owners, pet advocates, and people who just love all animals can celebrate International Cat Day to help make this a better place for all animals. Hopefully, as we raise awareness, we can come together to find solutions.

See also: 

Featured Image Credit: Yulia Grigoryeva, Shutterstock

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