Chelsea Mortensen

Chelsea Flake Mortensen is a writer with a passion for cats. Growing up, she spent quite a bit of time around cats, along with a variety of other interesting pets. Chelsea holds a BA in English and Creative Writing from Brigham Young University.

cat opening its mouth

Why Is My Cat’s Bottom Lip Swollen? 9 Vet Reviewed Reasons & What to Do

Your cat’s health is your responsibility—but sometimes you might not be sure whether anything is wrong. If you notice your cat has a swollen lip, should you be worried about it? Should you call an emergency vet? The truth is, there are many different causes of swollen lips. That can make it tricky to diagnose

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diatomaceous earth

Does Diatomaceous Earth Kill Fleas on Cats? Vet-Reviewed Effectiveness & Safety

Diatomaceous earth—a powdery substance made from fossilized algae—is growing in popularity as a chemical-free pest control method. But is it safe for pets? While diatomaceous earth is effective at killing fleas and can be used as part of an integrative flea removal treatment, it is not recommended to apply it directly over your cat’s coat. 

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cat and owner and vet

8 Organizations & Charities That Will Help Pay Vet Bills (Financial Aid)

Vet bills can be expensive! Surgeries and medications can cost thousands of dollars, and many pet owners don’t have the funds necessary. If you’re in a financial bind, it’s worth looking into every resource available to you. The funds in this list are generally for emergency treatment. If a few hundred dollars will mean the

8 Organizations & Charities That Will Help Pay Vet Bills (Financial Aid) Read More »

ragdoll cat on bed

11 Amazing Ragdoll Cat Facts: Surprising Things You’ll Love to Learn

Some cat lovers want a pet with the cutest looks, while others only care about their cat’s personality. But if you want the whole package, it’s hard to beat a Ragdoll. These cats are equally famous for their show-stopping features and their sweet temperaments. There’s way more than meets the eye with this breed—in fact,

11 Amazing Ragdoll Cat Facts: Surprising Things You’ll Love to Learn Read More »

person cleaning cat's nose

Why Is My Cat’s Nose Dripping When Purring? 3 Vet-Reviewed Reasons & FAQ

Have you ever been quietly petting a purring cat, only for them to stick a wet nose in your hand? The first time it happens, this might seem like a random coincidence. But if your cat’s nose is often wet or dripping when they purr hard, you might wonder if there’s more going on. The

Why Is My Cat’s Nose Dripping When Purring? 3 Vet-Reviewed Reasons & FAQ Read More »

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