Lindsey Lawson

Lindsey and her husband enjoy traveling the US with their kids and photographing wildlife. Her passion is to educate others on the importance of proper animal care, with an emphasis on reptiles and exotics since their care requirements can be much more complex. She is also a huge advocate for bully breeds. She feels most at home in the forest either on horseback or in hiking boots.

Himalayan cat lying on floor

How Your Cat’s Endocrine System Works (Vet Approved Overview)

Just like ours, a cat’s body is made up of a variety of systems, which is an organization of varying organs and glands that are arranged to perform complex functions for the body that are essential for survival. There are 10 major bodily systems, including the skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary,

How Your Cat’s Endocrine System Works (Vet Approved Overview) Read More »

Burmese VS Bombay

Burmese vs. Bombay Cat: The Differences (With Pictures)

When you are looking to bring a new furry family member into the home, it is essential to research different breeds to understand more about their looks, personality, traits, and care needs before making a final commitment. Knowing the differences between breeds will ultimately help you decide which is more suitable for your household. The

Burmese vs. Bombay Cat: The Differences (With Pictures) Read More »

Dog and cat with together in bed

Are Kuppies Real? Can Dogs & Cats Crossbreed? What Science Says

Tales from all over the world have been told of some seemingly impossible things happening on our planet. You are sure to have heard of or even seen interesting hybrid animals that result from crossbreeding certain species. While hybrids in general are real, some are flat-out impossible. One of those off-the-wall stories is that of

Are Kuppies Real? Can Dogs & Cats Crossbreed? What Science Says Read More »

Gray cat looking out the window

Can Cats Sense Tornadoes? Vet-Reviewed Facts & Safety Tips

Tornadoes are a very dangerous weather system that can cause significant damage to homes, cars, property, wildlife, and anything else in their path. While tornadoes can form suddenly and cause a lot of damage in very little time, we humans typically have some sort of forewarning from our meteorologists that the weather system moving in

Can Cats Sense Tornadoes? Vet-Reviewed Facts & Safety Tips Read More »

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