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Orange Munchkin Cat: Facts, Origin & History (With Pictures)

Written by: Patricia Dickson

Last Updated on June 7, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

orange munchkin cat

Orange Munchkin Cat: Facts, Origin & History (With Pictures)

If you’ve ever had the fortune to meet a Munchkin cat, you already know how friendly, tiny, and full-on cute they are. The Orange Munchkin kitty is no exception.

In ancient times, orange cats were considered to be a blow against the fates and thought of as talismans. In fact, ginger cats were seen as having superpowers, such as the ability to heal people, alert their owners to danger, and even attract wealth.

Of course, we know now that an orange cat is an adorable cat kitty, but the history is still fascinating. If you know very little about the Orange Munchkin cat or any of the Munchkin cat breeds, for that matter, we’ll discuss its history and a few facts below.

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The Earliest Records of Orange Munchkins in History

To talk about Orange Munchkin cats, you need to discuss the history of the Munchkin breed. The breed was discovered in the UK in the 1940s due to a genetic mutation. It wasn’t until later that breeders decided to breed these hybrid kitties to have short legs intentionally.

The original Munchkin was found in a small town in the UK and dubbed the Kangaroo cat for quite some time. It wasn’t until 1990 that these adorable short-legged felines were introduced to the world, and that’s when the debate began.

Some vets say it’s fine for these short-legged felines to be bred. However, just as many think it’s a bad decision that can only end in health issues for the beloved cats.

orange munchkin cat
Image by: Phannasit, Shuttestock

How Orange Munchkins Gained Popularity

It’s not hard to guess how the Orange Munchkins or Munchkins, in general, gained their popularity. They are adorable, tiny, short, and will not get much bigger than older kittens. Munchins only reach 6 to 9 inches in height and top out at 9 pounds in weight.

Since the Orange Munchin remains the size of a kitten and has a gorgeous orange coat, its popularity has skyrocketed in the United States.

Formal Recognition of Orange Munchkins

The International Cat Association recognized the Munchkin cat breed in 2003. As of this writing, the cat hasn’t been recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association, however.

Whether these adorable balls of fur are formally recognized or not, they are perfect pets for families and singles alike. They are energetic, loving, and loyal, so don’t let the lack of formal recognition stop you from adopting any animal you consider giving a forever home, including the Orange Munchkin cat.

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Top 4 Unique Facts About Orange Munchkins

Here are a few facts you should know before adopting an Orange Munchkin.

1. Orange Munchkins Are Fast and Furious

Orange Munchkin cats can move around your home like racehorses despite their short legs. They have quite a bit of energy for such a tiny cat and can round corners at super speeds and be gone before you know it.

2. Orange Munchkin Cats Are an Active Healthy Breed

Despite the debate, most Munchkin cats are active and healthy. However, getting documentation from a reputable breeder is essential to ensure the cat is healthy. It’s also a good idea to keep up with regular checkups for your Orange Munchkin to catch any problems before they worsen.

3. Orange Munchkin Cats Come in Different Leg Lengths

You would think that a Munchkin cat of any color would come in only one leg length, but you would be mistaken. Super short Munchkins have reasonably short legs, while the rug huggers have the shortest legs of the lot.

4. Some Litters Produce Munchkin and Long-Legged Kittens

Interestingly, some litters produce not only Munchkins but also long-legged kittens. People quickly think that Munchkin cats only give birth to Munchkin kittens, but that’s not true; they can also give birth to long-legged kittens.

orange munchkin cat sitting
Image Credit: Lee Chia Jo, Shutterstock

Does the Orange Munchkin Make a Good Pet?

Now that you examined the history, origins, and more about the Orange Munchkin cat, you need to know if they make great pets. They are adorable, loving, energetic, and get along well with children and other pets.

However, they have a strong prey drive, so you may want to watch them around smaller pets and rodents. It’s best to keep an eye on the cat when playing with younger children since they can become injured if a child plays too rough due to their tiny bodies and legs.

These cats need plenty of attention, so make sure someone in your family will be home with them most of the time, so they have someone to cuddle with and play with.

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Orange Munchkin cats are adorable felines, but there is much debate over whether they should be bred or formally recognized. Whether they are or not, this breed makes a great pet, and they are adorable, tiny, and very easy to love. If you decide to get your Orange Munchkin cat from a breeder, make sure that it’s a reputable breeder that can provide written paperwork and a healthy kitten for you to call your own.

Featured Image Credit: Wongsakorn Napaeng, Shutterstock

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