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4 Amazing DIY Cat Run Plans You Can Create at Home

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on May 2, 2024 by Nicole Cosgrove

Cats in a catio

4 Amazing DIY Cat Run Plans You Can Create at Home

Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. They are known for their independent nature, and many people enjoy having them as part of the family. However, cats can also be escape artists, which is why it’s important to provide them with a safe space to run and play.

A cat run is a great way to give your feline friend some exercise and enrichment. It can also help keep them safe from predators and other dangers. There are many different ways to build a cat run, so you can find the perfect design for your home and budget.

Give your cat the opportunity to get some fresh air and exercise while still keeping them safe. Plus, it can be a fun project for you to work on together! We wouldn’t let your cat use power tools, though.

Here are four amazing DIY cat run plans that you can create at home:

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The 4 DIY Cat Run Plans

 1. The Mini Catio by ReStore

The Mini Catio by ReStore
Image Credit: ReStore

Materials: Salvaged window, ¾-inch plywood, 4x4s, wire screen, hinges, gate hardware, salvaged plywood
Tools: Screws, staples, heavy-duty stapler, drill,
Difficulty Level: Moderate

This is a great cat run option if you don’t have a lot of space for a cat run. It’s similar to the classic catio, but it’s smaller in scale. Once you’ve assembled the frame, you can also add cat shelves or a cat tree for your feline friend to climb. This is a great option for indoor cats who just need a little fresh air and exercise.

2. Cuckoo4Design Wire Tunnel Cat Walkway

Cuckoo4Design Wire Tunnel Cat Walkway
Image By: Cuckoo4Design
Materials: Deck planks, 2x4s, deck screws, fence staples, wire fencing
Tools: Drill, hammer, measuring tape, wire cutter, wood stain
Difficulty Level: Easy

This is a great option if you want to create a cat run that can be attached to your existing fence. It’s also a good option if you have multiple cats, as they can all use it at the same time without getting in each other’s way. All you need is some wire fencing, some wood, and some screws to attach it to the fence. Cut the wire mesh to size and then attach it to the fence. The instructions in the DIY plan are very straightforward.

3. PVC Pipe Cat Run from Klever Cages

PVC Pipe Cat Run from Klever Cages
Image Credit: Klever Cages
Materials: PVC pipes, connectors, chicken wire or nylon netting
Tools: Saw, zip ties, drill
Difficulty Level: Moderate

This is a great option for those who want to create a sturdier cat run. The lengths of PVC pipes and types of connectors you’ll need just depends on the design you choose. The PVC pipes and connectors create a solid frame, and then you can cover it with chicken wire or nylon netting attached to the PVC pipes with zip ties, or you can drill holes in the PVC pipes so you can attach the chicken wire. This is a great option for those who live in areas with severe weather, as it can withstand high winds and heavy rain.
You can visit the Klever cages website or Youtube channel for inspiration on how to make one of these cages at home, or you can buy a DIY kit directly from their site to save you all the guess work and having to make a trip to your local hardware store.

4. DIYS Craftsy Wooden Pallet Catio from instructables

DIYS Craftsy Wooden Pallet Catio from instructables
Image Credit: instructables
Materials: 10-foot pallet, 3 2x4s (8 ft.), 3 2x3s (8 ft.), roll of wire mesh, nylon rope, twine
Tools: nails, hammer, staples, staple gun, circular saw
Difficulty Level: Moderate

This is a great DIY plan for those who want to upcycle some materials. You can create this cat run entirely out of a wood pallet. Just make sure the pallet is in good condition and free of any chemicals. Disassemble the pallet and use the pallet wood, 2x4s, and 2x3s to build the frame. Use wire cutters to cut the wire mesh to size, and then use a staple gun to attach it to the frame. You can use some nylon rope and twine to reinforce the mesh against the frame if your cats are super escaping artists.


Frequent Asked Questions

How Do I Keep My Cat Safe in a Cat Run?

The best way to keep your cat safe in a cat run is to make sure the run is enclosed on all sides. You can use chicken wire, wire mesh, window screening, or another type of fencing material. Just make sure there are no gaps or holes that your cat could squeeze through. You should also consider adding a top to the run to keep your cat from climbing out.

Why Not Just Let Your Cat Outside Instead?

Most people think that letting their cat outside is no big deal, but there are a lot of dangers lurking for outdoor cats. Cats can become victims of cruel people, cars, and other animals. They can also contract diseases from other cats or wild animals, including feline leukemia, rabies, and toxoplasmosis. Their curious nature can also put them in danger, as they may explore places they shouldn’t and ingest harmful substances.

So, if you’re not comfortable with the idea of your cat outdoors unsupervised, a cat run is a great alternative.

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There are a variety of different cat runs that you can create depending on your needs and budget. Just make sure the cat run is enclosed on all sides to keep your cat safe and consider adding a top to the enclosure to prevent your cat from escaping. Be creative and have fun with it!

Featured Image Credit: B-E, Shutterstock

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