Dr. Lauren Demos DVM (Veterinarian)

As a veterinarian, Lauren is eager to share her experience in emergency medicine and cats, with our readers. She loves sharing helpful, real life tips for having cats as part of your life, and what to do in critical situations with your pets. Lauren is a vet with over a ten years of experience in cats and dogs, along with infectious diseases. She enjoys teaching, and lectures for students, pet owners, and clinicians, on various topics.  Lauren received her degrees from Murdoch University, in Perth.

Cats may simply thank you for cleaning the litterbox but in reality, it provides a wealth of health information (Pancake and Tiller agree!)

Referrals & Second Opinions For Your Cat: Everything to Know

Hi, I’m Dr. Lauren! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my two adventurous cats, Pancake and Tiller. Have you ever gone to your own doctor, and they’ve said quite simply “I don’t know what is wrong with you.” Well, it happens with vets, too. Obviously, no one wants this to happen, but it can

Referrals & Second Opinions For Your Cat: Everything to Know Read More »

Tiller loves a cuppa.

Tiller’s Cup of Tea: It’s Not Everyone’s (Just Mine)

Hi, I’m Dr. Lauren! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my two adventurous cats, Pancake and Tiller. Most cats like catnip, or valerian root. Or feather toys. Or something remotely cat-like. But leave it to Tiller to have a unique trait. I only found out, as I have recently been forced to uptake a

Tiller’s Cup of Tea: It’s Not Everyone’s (Just Mine) Read More »

Good toys are significantly larger than a cat's mouth, and designed specifically for cats- like Tiller's favourite fish.

Please Don’t Put That In Your Mouth! Inappropriate Items Cats Eat

Hi, I’m Dr. Lauren! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my two adventurous cats, Pancake and Tiller. Unlike dogs, it’s not all that common for cats to eat things they shouldn’t. But just like one of my friends shoved a Lego up their nose as a child to prove it was possible, and ended

Please Don’t Put That In Your Mouth! Inappropriate Items Cats Eat Read More »

Bringing a favorite toy (Tiller loves her stuffed trout!) can bring familiarity from home into the clinic, and may act to decrease stress levels for your cat, as well.

An Owner’s Manual on Spaying or Neutering Your Cat: Why Not to Feel Guilt

Hi, I’m Dr. Lauren! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my two adventurous cats, Pancake and Tiller. Having your cat spayed or neutered can lead to many complicated feelings. Worry over the procedure, worry about the anesthetic, concerns about how to help with their recovery process, and guilt over making the decision to do

An Owner’s Manual on Spaying or Neutering Your Cat: Why Not to Feel Guilt Read More »

Tiller works hard to give Pancake a new hairdo during a recent grooming session.

Why Do Cats Groom? Pancake, Tiller & the Latest Theories

Hi, I’m Dr. Lauren! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my two adventurous cats, Pancake and Tiller. I caught Pancake in the middle of a dramatic grooming session last night. It involved lots of splayed legs, and a determined effort to reach something near her perineum, that actually entailed what I’m pretty sure was

Why Do Cats Groom? Pancake, Tiller & the Latest Theories Read More »

Shown here is Pancake having a garden stroll. Remember, your cat may love being outside, but they also risk sunburn, just like people.

Slip, Slop, Slap: Feline Sunburn at a Glance

Hi, I’m Dr. Lauren! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my two adventurous cats, Pancake and Tiller. Slip, slop, slap goes the famous Aussie saying, encouraging the use of sunscreen. As humans, thanks in part to large public awareness campaigns such as this one, we’ve become eminently aware of the risks of sun exposure,

Slip, Slop, Slap: Feline Sunburn at a Glance Read More »

Tiller says Hey Pancake, is that the spot?

I’ll Scratch Your Back if You Scratch Mine: Itchy Cats

Hi, I’m Dr. Lauren! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my two adventurous cats, Pancake and Tiller. As a vet, this is a common time of year that I get all sorts of complaints about itchy cats. The warm weather leads to plants and trees that blossom, increasing the number of pollens and other

I’ll Scratch Your Back if You Scratch Mine: Itchy Cats Read More »

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