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Can Cats Eat Gravy? Nutritional Facts & FAQ

Written by: Sophie Jeffares

Last Updated on June 10, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

Can Cats Eat Gravy

Can Cats Eat Gravy? Nutritional Facts & FAQ


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Dr. Tabitha Henson (Vet)

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Like humans, cats enjoy a good meal. And while many people might think that all cats only eat dry food, that is not the case. Many cats love gravy, and several wet foods are made with gravy; some even have gravy as a standalone product.

So, can cats eat gravy? The answer is yes—depending on the ingredients. Gravy is generally not harmful to cats and can be quite healthy for them in moderation. It contains many of the same nutrients as wet cat food, including protein, fat, water, and vitamins. Plus, the gravy can keep your cat hydrated.

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What Is Gravy and What’s in It?

So, what exactly is gravy? Gravy is a sauce made from the juices that drip from meat as it cooks, which are then thickened with either flour or cornstarch. The result is a rich, flavorful sauce that can take your dish from ordinary to extraordinary. In addition to the meat juices, gravy typically contains fat, stock, and seasonings.

The type of fat used will vary depending on the recipe, but butter or bacon grease are common choices. Stock is usually made from either beef, chicken, or veggie broth, and it helps give gravy its signature savory flavor. The juices, fat, and flour are combined to create a thick and flavorful sauce.

Most commercially made cat gravies contain chicken or beef broth, water, milk, salt, and cornstarch.

gravy in a bowl
Image by: victoria., Unsplash

The Nutritional Value of Gravy

Gravy is often thought of as a fatty, unhealthy condiment. However, it can be quite nutritious. For example, gravy made from beef stock contains high levels of protein and iron. Gravy made from chicken stock is a good source of vitamin B6, and gravy made from vegetable stock is a good source of antioxidants.

Gravy contains protein, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals such as phosphorus and potassium. The exact nutritional breakdown of gravy varies wildly depending on the ingredients used, but most gravies contain 2 to 5 calories per teaspoon.

Is Gravy Healthy for Cats?

You may be wondering if gravy is healthy for your cat. The short answer is yes, but there are a few factors to keep in mind. First, not all gravies are created equal. Some store-bought brands are loaded with salt, sugar, and other unhealthy ingredients. If you’re going to give your cat gravy, it’s best to make it yourself from scratch using healthy ingredients.

Secondly, gravy should only be given in moderation. Like any other food, too much gravy can lead to weight gain and other health problems. So, if you treat your cat to some delicious gravy, do so in moderation and choose a healthy recipe.

Since the ingredients of gravy differ from product to product, not every gravy is suitable for your cat. Some may contain dairy, added salt, or onion and garlic flavorings. It is best to make your gravy using healthy, cat-safe ingredients.

gravy and other spices on table
Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

How Much Gravy Should Cats Eat?

If you want to feed your cat gravy, add it to their wet food or give it to them as a treat. You can also buy commercially made gravies at most pet stores. Just be sure to read the label carefully to ensure the gravy contains no harmful ingredients.

However, it is vital to feed it in moderation. Too much gravy can cause stomach issues and diarrhea in cats. Gravy is also high in fat but lacks substance. Cats can easily consume a lot of calories by being treated to gravy but not filling up with other vital nutrients.

There is no set amount of gravy that you should feed your cat. However, a good rule of thumb is to start with a small amount and increase the amount as needed.

Gravy Alternatives for Cats

If you’re looking for a gravy alternative for your cat, you should keep a few things in mind. First, not all cats are going to like the same gravy. Some may prefer chicken-based gravy, while others prefer fish-based gravy. It’s a matter of trial and error to find out what your cat likes.

Secondly, consider making your gravy. That way, you can control the ingredients and ensure it’s healthy for your cat. Thirdly, look for premade gravies that are specifically designed for cats. They usually contain all the nutrients your cat needs and are usually pretty tasty, too!

You can add water to your cat’s wet food to create a gravy-like consistency. It is a good option if your cat does not like the taste of traditional gravy or is sensitive to dietary changes.

Finally, remember that cats don’t need gravy in their diet, so they won’t miss out on anything if they don’t get any.

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Final Thoughts

So, can cats eat gravy? Yes, they can! But it’s essential to feed it in moderation and choose a healthy recipe. You can also look for premade gravies that are specifically designed for cats. Remember, cats don’t need gravy in their diet, so it should be treated as an occasional treat.

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