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Feliway Pheromone Spray Review of 2024: Recalls, Pros & Cons

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on June 24, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

Feliway Pheremone Spray Review

Feliway Pheromone Spray Review of 2024: Recalls, Pros & Cons

Review Summary

Our Final Verdict

We give Feliway Pheromone Spray a rating of 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. 

  • Feliway Pheromone Spray can help reduce anxiety in cats brought on by a new pet in the family, moving to a new location, or traveling. It can also help minimize scratching furniture and aggression towards other cats.
  • The main selling points of Feliway Pheromone Spray are its effectiveness and ease of use. It only requires spraying in the area that your cat frequents, or in the case of anti-scratching pheromones, spraying it where you don’t want them to scratch. You can also use a diffuser to push the pheromones into the air. Humans cannot smell pheromones, so we are not affected.
  • Feliway has several products designed to influence your cat’s behavior by releasing natural pheromones into the air. There are several methods to get the pheromones into the air, including diffusers, sprays, and drops. We’ll be focusing primarily on the classic spray used to calm cats.
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Feliway Pheromone Spray – A Quick Look Feliway Pheromone Spray

  • Easy to use
  • Works on most cats
  • Reduces scratching and urine spraying
  • Eases stress from loud noise and travel
  • Can help multiple cats get along better
  • Odorless and colorless
  • Expensive
  • Doesn’t work on all cats
  • Wears off quickly
  • Brand Name: Feliway
  • Model: 281011E
  • Size: 2 ounces
  • Dimensions: 55 x 1.55 x 5.5 inches
  • Applications: 50
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Calms Cats During Travel

Devon Rex cat is travelling on owners lap in a car
Image Credit: Veera, Shutterstock

The main thing that the classic Feliway Pheromone Spray does well is calm cats during travel. Most cats do not do well in the car, and this spray can help get them through the experience of going to the vet or on vacation. You need to test it first to make sure it works on your cat, but a single bottle can last many trips. Spray the carrier about 20 minutes before travel time for best results.

Reduces Scratching

cat scratching skin
Image: Pixabay

If your cat likes to scratch at your furniture or clothing, you can use the classic Feliway Pheromone Spray to curb the behavior. Simply spray the product directly on the surface of the couch or chair you don’t want the cat to scratch. Repeat daily until the cat moves on, or use Feliscratch by Feliway to redirect their scratching.

Helps Eliminate Fighting

adorable ginger cat wearing fabric collar when fighting_RJ22_shutterstock
Credit: RJ22, Shutterstock

If you have several cats in your house, especially male cats, they may fight quite a bit. Usually, the fighting doesn’t result in any permanent damage, but scratches can occur, and it’s often quite noisy and unsettling for the owners. Feliway Pheromone Spray Can help cut down the frequency of these fights if you spray it in the area where the conflicts occur, or by the cats when you notice tensions rising.

Doesn’t Work on All Cats

The primary drawback of using Feliway Pheromone Spray is that it doesn’t work on all cats. Feliway Claims that their product works on up to 90% of cats but reviews posted suggest the actual percentage of cats that respond to the treatment is somewhat less. It’s expensive, so if it doesn’t work, even a single bottle can set you back quite a bit.

Wears Off Quickly

Another downside to Feliway Pheromone Spray is that it doesn’t last very long. You will need to apply at once a day to prevent scratching, but much more often to reduce fighting and to calm your cat. The small 3.2-ounce bottle only lasts for about 50 applications.

Feliway Pheromone Spray2


Can I put this product directly on my cat?

While many vets recommend spraying some on your hand and petting your cat, we recommend only doing this if your cat is suffering from extreme anxiety, and you have tried spraying it in areas they frequent first. We have seen cats react negatively to the scents and they may not like it applied to them, so use it for a while first before trying this technique.

How much do I have to use?

The packaging states to use eight sprays every five hours, and each bottle contains 50 applications. However, many people have had great results using far less.

Is it safe for kittens?

Yes, many vets recommend it to help settle kittens at night, though we recommend waiting until they are at least eight weeks old.

Is it safe for use on fabric?

Yes, there is no color, and it will not stain.

Does this product have an expiration date?

Yes, the expiration date is on the bottle, and it lasts about three years.divider 2 cats

What Users Say

So it’s not all about what we say; we’ve looked up reviews on Amazon, Chewy, and other places we could find the product for sale to see what other people are saying, and this is what we found.

  • Most people find it very easy to use
  • Most people say it works well to calm their cat during travel
  • Most people agree it works immediately
  • Some people saw no change in behavior
  • Some people complain it doesn’t last the full five hours
  • A few people complained about the high cost for a small bottle
  • A few people complained about the smell of ether alcohol when using this product

divider 2 catsConclusion

Feliway Pheromone Spray can be a great way to calm your cat and reduce territory marking, scratching, and fighting, as long as your pets are sensitive to the synthetic pheromones. Feliway states that the classic spray is best to help calm cats during travel, and as a supplement to curb other unwanted behavior. They state that their diffusing products are better for reducing fighting and territory marking, while the drops help redirect scratching.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this look at the effectiveness of pheromones and their multiple uses for helping with unwanted behavior.

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