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Can My Cat Have a Playdate With Another Cat? Benefits & Safety Tips

Written by: Patricia Dickson

Last Updated on June 21, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

two cats playing

Can My Cat Have a Playdate With Another Cat? Benefits & Safety Tips

You’ve probably noticed that cats love to play, and you play with your feline as much as possible. However, have you ever wondered if your cat could have a playdate with another cat?

Yes, cats can have playdates with other cats, and it’s actually good for them. Playtime is essential for a cat’s social and physical development also. If you have a kitten that lives alone, you should probably try to get the cat a playdate with another feline. You never know when you want to adopt another cat, and this is the perfect way to get your current kitten ready to get along with older cats and other cats in general.

However, you’ll want to do a few things to prepare for a kitty playdate ahead of time. We’ll talk about playdates with other cats, how to prepare, and more in the article below.

Cat ball divider 1What Is a Cat Playdate?

Even as a pet parent, you’ve probably not heard of a playdate for cats, or if you had, you might wonder what a cat playdate is.

Playdates with cats are get-togethers that allow cats to release some pent-up energy and play together. Not only does the interaction help your cat release excess energy, but it’s also great for socializing your pet. This is true, especially if your cat lives alone and doesn’t get to be around or play with other cats.

A  playdate is beneficial, especially for kittens, who are still trying to learn their way, love to play a lot, and are still open to socialization with other animals. Most cats lose this love to play and socialize as they get older, but if your older cat still loves these things, playdates could also be great for it.

two cats playing with toy at home
Image By: Axel Bueckert, Shutterstock

Do Cats Really Need Socialization?

According to the experts, kittens especially need socialization. Socialization isn’t just about introducing your cat to other cats, however. It’s also about introducing your cat to humans and other animals so that they know how to act when one comes around.

In fact, cats that haven’t been socialized can become too timid or even aggressive with other people and animals. Kittens are usually pretty easy to socialize until they are around 14 weeks of age. After that, it gets tricky, so make sure to socialize your kitten as soon as possible for the best results.

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The 3 Tips for Preparing for a Cat Playdate

While it’s a good idea for cats to be scheduled to have playdates with other cats, you shouldn’t just run out and schedule a date with the first cat owner you find. There are steps to ensure this is the right playdate for your furry friend.

1. Make Sure Both Cats Are Healthy

While you may be eager to expose your kitten to a playdate, you must ensure that your cat and the cat you’re setting up the playdate with are healthy. This doesn’t just mean that neither of them has the sniffles. It would help if you were assured that both cats have had all their vaccines, have negative FeLV/FIV tests, and are both on something to prevent fleas. If either cat has a symptom of an illness, it’s best to postpone the playdate to another day.

cats playing_birgl_Pixabay
Image Credit: birgl, Pixabay

2. Match the Personalities of the Two Cats

Health isn’t the only thing important when getting two cats together for a playdate. You want to try and match the personalities of the two cats as best you can before getting them together. You can do this by thinking about your cat’s personality and then finding a cat that matches that personality.

For example, you don’t want to pair a timid cat with one who is outgoing and constantly wants to play. It could end badly for you and the cats. After you’ve found the cat for your playdate, it’s best to introduce them slowly.

You have to remember pets have other animals they don’t like being around, just as we have humans we don’t want to be around. Putting a cat on a playdate with a cat they don’t match personalities with can end up with disastrous consequences for everyone involved.

3. Meet in a Neutral Spot

Having your cats meet for the first time in a neutral spot is best. Cats are very territorial, and that starts when they’re young. You want a place where neither cat has had a chance to mark its territory beforehand.

Introduce the cats slowly, keeping in mind that, just as with people, not all cats are a match for one another. If the cats can’t get along, it’s best to end the playdate and move on to the next cat on your list of possible friends for your feline. Once you’ve found the perfect playmate for your feline pal, you can set them up whenever you want to.

two white cats rub faces on the grass, positive associations, bonding
Image By: Oleg Shishkunov, Shutterstock

divider-catclaw1 Conclusion

While it may surprise you that you can take your cat on a cat playdate, it really shouldn’t if you think about it. Cats need socialization, and if they don’t have other cats at home, they may get lonely.

A cat that hasn’t been around other cats or animals can become timid or aggressive when other people, cats, or animals are around. You want to avoid this, if possible, by finding a feline that matches your cat’s personality and scheduling a few playdates to ensure your cat is socialized and able to work off any excess energy it has.

Featured Image Credit: AdinaVoicu, Pixabay

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