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Is It True That All Russian Blue Cats Have Green Eyes? Facts & FAQ

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on June 9, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

Russian Blue

Is It True That All Russian Blue Cats Have Green Eyes? Facts & FAQ

There is a lot of debate over whether all Russian Blue cats have green eyes. Some people say that this is simply a myth, while others swear that it is true. So, what is the answer? Well, the truth is that there isn’t one answer that fits all Russian Blue cats. While some may have green eyes, others may have blue or amber eyes. However, the vast majority of Russian Blues do tend to have green eyes. Continue reading to learn more about the eye color of Russian Blue cats.

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Russian Blue Cats & Eye Color

Most Russian Blue cats will have green eyes, but there is also a small percentage that will have blue or amber eyes. The reason for this is that the gene that determines eye color in Russian Blues is not completely understood. However, what we do know is that the majority of Russian Blues have a mutation in their MCOP gene, which is responsible for eye color. This mutation is what causes the green eyes that are so characteristic of Russian Blues.

Russian Blue Cats & Eye Color at Birth

Russian blue kitten
Image Credit: Utekhina Anna, Shutterstock

One thing to keep in mind is that Russian Blue kittens (and all kittens) are born with blue eyes. It can take several months for their true eye color to develop. So, if you are looking for a Russian Blue kitten, don’t be surprised if they have blue eyes. However, as they get older, their eyes will begin to change color and eventually most will settle into the green hue that is so characteristic of Russian Blues.

A Quick Lesson in Eye Color & Genetics

To understand why Russian Blue cats have green eyes, it helps to have a basic understanding of genetics and eye color. Eye color is determined by the amount of pigment in the iris, which is the colored part of the eye. The more pigment there is, the darker the eye color will be. Green eyes have less pigment than blue eyes, and amber eyes have even less pigment.

Eye color is determined by two main genes: the MCOP gene and the CEP290 gene. The MCOP gene is responsible for most of the pigmentation in the iris, while the CEP290 gene determines how much pigment is present. Russian Blue cats have a mutation in their MCOP gene, which reduces the amount of pigment in their eyes. This is what causes their characteristic green eyes.

Remember that not all Russian Blues will have green eyes. Some may have blue or amber eyes.

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Why Are They Called Russian Blue Cats?

Russian Blue Cat
Image Credit: Nailia Schwarz, Shutterstock

Interestingly enough, Russian Blue cats are not actually from Russia. They get their name from the color of their fur, which is a bluish-gray color. It is thought that Russian Blue cats were first brought to England in the late 1800s by sailors who were returning from Russia. At that time, these cats were known as Archangel Blues. However, over time, they became known simply as Russian Blues.



Now that you know a little bit more about Russian Blue cats, you may be wondering if one is right for you. Here are some frequently asked questions about Russian Blues to help you make your decision.

Do Russian Blue Cats Make Good Pets?

Russian Blue Cat
Image Credit: VS_star, Pixabay

Yes, Russian Blue cats make excellent pets. They are very affectionate and loving, and they bond well with their owners. They are also very intelligent and can be trained to do tricks. Russian Blues are also known for being very quiet, so if you are looking for a cat that won’t make a lot of noise, this may be the breed for you.

Do Russian Blue Cats Get Along With Other Pets?

Russian Blue cats typically get along well with other pets. However, it is important to introduce them slowly and carefully to any new animals in the home. Russian Blues are also known for being very shy around strangers, so if you have a lot of visitors in your home, this may not be the best breed for you.

Do Russian Blue Cats Shed?

Yes, Russian Blue cats do shed. However, they are not considered to be a high-maintenance breed when it comes to grooming. They only need to be brushed once or twice a week, and their nails should be trimmed on a regular basis.

Are Russian Blue Cats From Russia?

Russian Blue Cat with Red Tie
Image Credit By: VS_star, pixabay

No, Russian Blue Cats are not from Russia. They get their name from the color of their fur, which is a bluish-gray color.

Are They Prone to Any Health Problems?

Russian Blue cats are generally a healthy breed. However, like all cats, they are susceptible to certain health problems, such as respiratory infections and feline leukemia. It is important to take your Russian Blue to the vet on a regular basis for checkups and vaccinations to help prevent these diseases.

How Much Exercise Do They Need?

Russian Blue cats are not a particularly active breed. They do enjoy playing, but they don’t need a lot of exercise. A simple scratching post or cat tree will provide them with enough stimulation.

Do They Come in Any Other Colors?

No, Russian Blue cats only come in one color: bluish-gray. However, they can have different shades of gray, from light to dark. Russian Blue cats are also known for their green eyes, which is a result of a genetic mutation. However, there is a small percentage of Russian Blues that have blue or amber eyes.

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As you can see, there is no one answer to the question of whether all Russian Blue cats have green eyes. While most do have green eyes, there is also a small percentage that have blue or amber eyes. However, the vast majority of Russian Blues will have the characteristic green eyes that are so associated with this breed. So, if you are looking for a Russian Blue kitten, you can expect that most of them will have green eyes. But don’t be surprised if you find one with blue or amber eyes. After all, they are still beautiful cats, no matter what color their eyes are!


Featured Image Credit: Robert-W, Pixabay

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