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What’s a Velcro Cat? 10 Vet-Approved Ways to Tell You Have One

Written by: Ed Malaker

Last Updated on May 24, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team


What’s a Velcro Cat? 10 Vet-Approved Ways to Tell You Have One


Dr. Amanda Charles Photo


Dr. Amanda Charles

BVSc GPCert (Derm) MRCVS (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Cats are amazing animals with unique personalities. Even if you’ve owned several cats, you are still likely to be surprised by their actions at times. Some cats can be independent, while others like to play constantly. Some are considered Velcro cats, which means they form strong bonds with their owners and are nearly always by their side. If you think that you have a Velcro cat but aren’t quite sure, keep reading as we list several tells.

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The 10 Ways to Tell That You Have a Velcro Cat

A Velcro cat is a term used to describe a cat that is particularly clingy and affectionate. These cats tend to stick close to their owners, seeking constant physical contact and attention.

1. They Are Constantly Following You

A Velcro cat exhibits an unwavering commitment to being your constant companion and will follow you throughout the house. This behavior stems from a deep attachment and the desire to be an active participant in your daily life. Your presence offers them a sense of security and connection.

cat rubbing its head against the owners leg
Image Credit: Jaromir Chalabala, Shutterstock

2. They Love to Cuddle

Velcro cats are constantly trying to get close to their owners and will often curl up to go to sleep next to them or right on them. This act of cuddling represents a profound need for intimacy and shared warmth. A Velcro cat’s eagerness to jump onto your lap or snuggle beside you reflects a strong emotional bond.

3. They Are Attention Seeking

A Velcro cat actively seeks your attention as a means of affirming their place in your life. Their vocalizations, whether through meows or other sounds, serve as a communication tool expressing a desire for interaction and acknowledgment. Being left alone for extended periods may trigger separation anxiety and inappropriate behavior, underscoring their reliance on your presence.

Cat Man Tattoo Sitting Owner
Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

4. They’re a Purring Machine

The frequent purring of a Velcro cat goes beyond a simple expression of contentment. It serves as an audible affirmation of their emotional connection with you. The continuous purring becomes a comforting soundtrack, reinforcing the harmony of the relationship between you and your pet.

5. They Give Affectionate Head Butts

The act of head-butting, or bunting, is a unique and intimate way that Velcro cats express their affection. As they bump and rub their head on you, they share identifying pheromones, marking you as a trusted and beloved member of their social circle.

Image Credit: Gordana Sermek, Shutterstock

6. They Seek Out Lap Time

Seeking a place on your lap is a symbolic gesture of trust and reliance. The warmth and closeness offered by sitting on your lap can fulfill a need for physical connection.

7. They Have Grooming Rituals

When Velcro cats engage in grooming behaviors, either by grooming you or seeking grooming from you, it’s about more than cleanliness. It becomes a way to reinforce and strengthen your bond.

cat licking human arm
Image Credit: sophiecat, Shutterstock

8. They Demand Petting

Velcro cats will actively communicate their desire for physical touch. Whether through nudges, pawing, or rubbing against you, these actions are a deliberate expression of their need for affection.

9. They Exhibit Anxiety When You Leave

A Velcro cat often suffers from separation anxiety when you leave the house to go to work or run errands. They can often get extremely vocal and may turn to inappropriate behavior, like scratching up furniture or carpets and forgetting their house training.

Image Credit: jaromir-chalabala, Shutterstock

10. They Sleep Close By

Choosing to sleep in close proximity to you, whether on the bed or a nearby cat bed, is a deliberate decision by a Velcro cat. It signifies a preference for shared rest, further reinforcing the emotional connection and dependency on your reassuring presence, even during periods of relaxation. The cat may even call you with meows when they feel that it’s time for + line divider

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are All Cats Velcro Cats?

No, not all cats are Velcro cats. Cat personalities vary widely, and some cats are more independent and less clingy than others.

Is It Normal for a Cat to Follow Me Everywhere?

While some cats are naturally more independent, others, particularly Velcro cats, may choose to follow their owners everywhere. It’s a sign of affection and a desire to be part of your daily activities. If there is a sudden change in your cat’s behavior and they are following you all the time when they didn’t before, it may indicate an underlying problem. Keep a close eye on them and pay attention to any other signs that might indicate a health problem. Get them checked out by your vet if you have any concerns.

Can a Cat Be Too Clingy?

While some owners appreciate the affectionate nature of Velcro cats, others may find it overwhelming. It’s essential to strike a balance and ensure that your cat’s behavior doesn’t indicate anxiety or other underlying issues.

Image Credit: Svetlana-Rey, Shutterstock

Is It Possible to Train a Velcro Cat to Be More Independent?

It may be challenging to change a cat’s personality, but providing them with enriching activities and interactive toys and creating a secure environment can help satisfy a Velcro cat’s need for attention while promoting independence.

What If My Velcro Cat Suddenly Becomes Distant?

Any sudden change in behavior can indicate a health issue or stress. If your Velcro cat’s behavior changes unexpectedly, it’s advisable to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health concerns.

Are There Specific Breeds More Prone to Being Velcro Cats?

While personality traits vary among all cats, certain breeds are particularly well-known for their affectionate natures:

However, individual temperament plays a significant role, and not all cats of these breeds will be Velcro cats.

Are There Downsides to Having a Velcro Cat?

  • Velcro cats may become overly dependent on their owners, which can lead to separation anxiety when they are not around.
  • A Velcro cat tends to invade personal space and will follow you into the bathroom and the bedroom.
  • Some Velcro cats have an insatiable need for attention and may meow or paw at their owners or engage in other attention-seeking behaviors, which can be demanding and disruptive.
  • Velcro cats might develop problems with other pets because they demand your full attention and can get jealous when you spend time with the other pets in your home, which can lead to fights.
cat siamese
Image Credit: Andreas Lischka, Pixabay

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Signs of a Velcro cat include a strong desire for cuddling, seeking attention through vocalizations, frequent purring, anxiety when you leave, and a preference for sleeping close by. If your cat does many of these things, they are likely a Velcro cat. While some breeds, like the Ragdoll, Siamese, and Burmese, seem to produce Velcro cats more frequently, each cat is unique, and any breed might turn out to be a Velcro cat or, conversely, be more independent.

While these cats can be fun, they are also quite demanding, so consider your choice of purchasing one carefully, especially if you have other pets in the home.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Wanwajee Weeraphukdee, Shutterstock

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