A wedding is one of the most memorable and meaningful days of a couple’s life. Whether it’s a big or small affair, having your beloved family and friends there to celebrate is usually par for the course. But what about our cats?
While bringing your cat to your wedding to take part in the ceremony is what you might think at first when wondering how to get them involved, it can be stressful (for everyone!) and unnecessary. Below, we’ll discuss 16 amazing ways to incorporate your cat into your wedding.
The 15 Ideas to Include Your Cat In Your Wedding
1. Wedding Invitations
One of the easiest ways to ensure your cat stays front and center with you is by incorporating them into your wedding invitations! The cards can be matched to any theme, and you can have a photo or a stylized picture of your cat adorned upon them.
You can even sign the invitation from yourself, your partner, and your cat! The possibilities are endless, so have fun designing an invitation that reflects their involvement with the celebration.
2. Place Holders
Another amazing way to make sure your cat is part of the festivities is to use their image as a seat placeholder! As your guests search the tables for their names, your cat’s face will invite them warmly (and noticeably!) to their chairs. Placeholders can be as cheap or expensive as you like, and you can decorate them with your beloved cat’s face.
3. Cat-Themed Favors
Like placeholders, cat-themed favors can add a feline flavor to any wedding. Wedding favors can be any number of things, from seeds for planting or bubbles to blow; your cat can be featured on packets, bottles, candle jars, you name it!
This is also a great way to immortalize a beloved cat lost before a wedding. Providing catnip seeds to plant or other flowers that remind you of your feline friend are a few excellent ideas.
4. Photoshoot
There are usually several photo opportunities during weddings. Your cat doesn’t have to be at the ceremony to partake in beautiful wedding photos with you and your partner, as “getting-ready” photoshoots, rehearsal shoots, and even candid “life before” photos can all include your cat, too.
You can also have someone your cat trusts bring them to the venue for photos before taking them home again, but it depends heavily on how comfortable your cat is with people and travel.
5. Vows
A very poignant and memorable way to include your cat in a wedding is by weaving them into your wedding vows. If you have any funny memories or romantic stories about how they’ve added to your loving life with your partner, you could use them to make your vows incredibly personal.
Alternatively, you could simply add a few words about what they mean to you and your partner at the end of the vows.
6. Cake Toppers
If you want your cat to be admired by everyone at your wedding, having a cake topper crafted in their image is ideal. You can have them on their own, as part of a scene with you and your spouse, or even in a scene of their own.
A great idea is to have a model of your cat striding through flowers or chasing a butterfly. Even a tiny model of them standing between models of you and your spouse makes a fantastic addition and shows everyone present how important they are to you.
7. Pocket Square
Keeping your cat close to your heart on a day as special and emotional as a wedding day is an amazing feeling, and a pocket square featuring their sweet face is perfect.
You can have a picture of them printed or sewn or even a small reminder of them, like a paw print. Your pocket square can be as bold or subtle as you want, with countless designs and colors to fit any wedding theme.
8. Decor
To make your love of cats known, you can base your entire wedding around them! Decoration is often one of the most involved (and stressful) parts of wedding planning, so having your furry friend as your focus can provide inspiration and joy to the preparations. With cat balloons, chair backs, and songs, you can make it all about your cat!
9. Cat Table Names
If you want a more subtle nod to your cat, you can name the tables after them. You can have the top table with your cat’s name and use various breeds of cats for the other guest tables. This also ties in nicely with the decor theme, and you could try to match the table decor with the name. The possibilities are endless!
10. Desserts
Besides the wedding cake, many weddings now have other desserts. Cakes, sweets, baked goods, and other delicious treats can all be cat-themed or feature your feline friend.
A good idea is to have a sugar-paper decoration of your cat as cupcake toppers. And if they’re on top of a tasty cupcake, almost everyone attending will likely have one!
11. Cat Guestbook
Another subtle way to incorporate your cat into the wedding is by featuring their picture on the cover of your guest book. A guestbook is a keepsake from your special day, and having it feature your beloved cat alongside friends’ and family’s well wishes could make it a very special item.
It’s a great way to let your guests know how special your cat is while still having a more traditional wedding setup.
12. Proposal
A beautiful way to let your cat have an active part in your wedding is to involve them in the proposal. While this may or may not be up to you (depending on which part you play in proposing), your cat could help reveal the surprise.
Capturing this emotional and beautiful time and sharing it with your cat can mean they still get to be an active participant in the proceedings without having the stress of being present at the wedding.
13. Life-Size Cardboard Cutout
A silly but very clever way of making sure your cat is present at your wedding is by having a life-sized cardboard cut-out of them up on the day! Sitting at the main table, greeting guests as they enter, and even waiting for you at the altar, your cat’s image can be incorporated anywhere into your wedding day for a funny and heartfelt nod to your beloved pet.
You can even decorate it with a special wedding-themed collar to tie in your cat’s image.
14. “Ring Bearer” Photos
If you have a cat that loves to learn tricks, employing a pet photographer for well-timed photos with your wedding rings can make beautiful memories.
Your cat can hold the rings on their nose, carry them on a pillow on their back, or do any number of things. The trick is to ensure your cat is calm and comfortable before you begin, and remember you may have to take a few!
15. Wedding Stationery
Wedding stationery is a central part of any wedding. With menus, programs, and signs, there are several choices to incorporate your cat into. Your design can be subtle or as bold as you wish, so have fun playing with pictures of your cat to allow them to make their mark on your special day.
16. Ask for a Donation
Lastly, you can ask wedding guests to donate to an animal charity of your choice as part of their wedding gift to you. If your cat came from a shelter, you could ask them to donate money there.
If you have a feline charity close to your heart or any other charity that holds meaning to you and your cat, you could make a real difference to them by donating funds on your cat’s behalf.
From invitations to photos and favors to cake toppers, there are numerous ways you can incorporate your cat into your wedding day. Of course, you can always have them physically there with you, but many cats dislike being around large, noisy groups, and you run the risk of something happening that could mar your day (or even something happening to your cat!).
The safest ways to include your beloved feline in your wedding don’t involve them being physically there, but there are many occasions you can share with your cat before and after the wedding.
Featured Image Credit: Shipilov77777, Shutterstock