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20 Cat High Five GIFs We Love: Cute & Funny Kitties

Written by: Chantelle Fowler

Last Updated on April 22, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

Thai cat playing at nature in sunset

20 Cat High Five GIFs We Love: Cute & Funny Kitties

The internet is a treasure trove of cat videos and GIFs, and thankfully, there’s certainly no shortage of either. Whether you’re looking for clips of cats making biscuits or burning off some steam with a good old zoomies session, the internet is ready with a vault of videos to keep you occupied for hours on end. If you’re in the mood for some GIFs of cats high-fiving, though, we’ve got you covered.

Keep scrolling to find 20 of the sweetest and most brotastic examples of cats celebrating with their owners.

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The 20 Cat High Five GIFs

1. Low Five

cat-high-five gif

Not all high fives need to be high. Check out this awesome low five from a sweet bicolor baby.

2. Celebratory High Five

cat-high-five (1)
Credit: Tenor

Is it truly a high five if there isn’t a celebratory meow or exclamation afterward?

3. Drive-By High Five

cat-high-five (1)
Credit: Tenor

I like to think that this kitty just waits on the edge of the chair all day long for their human to walk by and dap them up.

4. Aggressive High Five

Credit: Tenor

Realistically, this kitty probably isn’t giving their toddler brother a high five, as there appears to be some aggression behind the move. But since the GIF cuts off when it does, that’s exactly what I’m going to say is happening.

5. Cat on Cat High Five

cat high fives GIF

I love that this GIF loops nearly perfectly, so it looks like these two kitties are giving each other infinite high fives.

6. Gentle High Five

cat high fives a person

This has to be the gentlest kitty high five I’ve ever seen. Look at how softly this kitty paws their human’s palm. So sweet!

7. Tentative High Five

cat fist bump

This kitty doesn’t appear to be too sure of their high five skills, but I’ll give them a 5/5 for effort anyway.

8. High Fiving for Food

cat high five to get food

This kitty seems to know that they’re about to get their next meal, so their high five may be food-motivated, but it gets a thumbs up from me anyway.

9. Game Over High Five

Credit: Tenor

Does the kitty on the left have superpowers? Why does a simple, soft high five knock the other kitty down like he just got punched by Superman? There are no answers, but this GIF is adorable nonetheless.

10. CrossFit High Five

cat high fives team
Credit: Tenor

I’ve never seen a hype man quite as adorable as this kitty high-fiving a bunch of CrossFit athletes. If this is what CrossFit is like, sign me up.

11. Teasing High Five

cat slow high five
Credit: Tenor

Just when you thought you were about to receive a high five from an orange cat, they pull the ol’ wool over your eyes again.

12. Tippy Tappy High Fives

tippy tappy high five
Credit: Tenor

This cat is obviously intelligent, given their ability to give not only a traditional high five but a tippy-tappy style high five and also do a fancy spin around. I’ll disregard the cat on the dining table thing in the case of this adorable Einstein.

13. Up High, Down Low

high and low high five
Credit: Tenor

This sweetie has seemed to master not only the high five, but the down low, too. There are big things in this kitten’s future!

14. Nonchalant High Five

Nonchalant high five

There’s no need to make a big fuss once your kitty has mastered the high five, as seen here in this nonchalant high five GIF.

15. High Five Champion

another high five

Single paw, single paw, double paw? Awesome! Give this kitty an award for their high five skills!

16. Double High Five

double high five
Credit: Tenor

There’s only one thing better than getting a high five from your cat, and that’s getting two high fives from two kitties simultaneously!

17. Drive-By Fiving

drive by high five
Credit: Tenor

Is there anything sweeter than a drive-by high-fiving? It makes you wonder if this kitty waits on the ledge for the kid to drive by on his bicycle every day.

18. Belly Up High Five

Belly Up High Five
Credit: Tenor

Just when you thought high fives couldn’t get any more adorable, I bring out this GIF of this fluffy sweetie pie getting repeated high fives in the car.

19. Exuberant High Fives

Exuberant High Five
Credit: Tenor

This kitty really does look to be in quite high spirits, giving their owner the most exuberant high five I’ve ever seen.

20. Kitten’s First High Five

Kitten's First High Five
Credit: Tenor

Did we just witness this adorable kitten’s first high five ever? Possibly! He doesn’t look too sure on his feet, does he?

3 cat face divider

Final Thoughts

Now it’s your turn to go ahead and create your own GIFs of you high-fiving your cats. Who knows, maybe your clip will be the next one we feature on our page!

Featured Image Credit: Irina Nedikova, Shutterstock

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