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Do Devon Rex Cats Shed a Lot? Tips to Reduce Cat Hair & FAQ

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on August 30, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

woman brushing calico tortoiseshell Devon Rex

Do Devon Rex Cats Shed a Lot? Tips to Reduce Cat Hair & FAQ

The Devon Rex cat, with its pixie-like appearance and charming personality, is an increasingly popular breed of feline. While these cats are known for their curly hair, endearing nature, and playful antics, one of the most common questions prospective owners have is how much they shed. The Devon Rex cat is no different from other felines in that it does shed, but not nearly as much as some owners might think.  Let’s explore this question and more about the Devon Rex in this article.

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Do Devon Rex Cats Shed a Lot?

Generally speaking, the Devon Rex does not shed more than any other domestic cat breed, and its coat can actually be considered low-maintenance compared to many others.

However, it is important to note that the Devon Rex’s unique coat — which may be short, wavy, or curly — can present some challenges when it comes to grooming and shedding. The curls of a Devon Rex’s coat trap dead hairs more easily than other breeds, making regular brushing essential in order to keep the cat’s coat healthy and reduce shedding.

Devon Rex Cat side Pose
Image by: Oleksandr Volchanskyi Shutterstock

Devon Rex Cats and Their Curly Hair

The Devon Rex has curly hair because of a spontaneous mutation in the gene that controls fur texture. This gene is responsible for the unique wavy coat of the breed, which can help to trap warmth and provide an extra layer of insulation. Additionally, this mutation is what makes the Devon Rex low-shedding compared to other cats.

Is the Devon Rex Hypoallergenic?

Unfortunately, no cat is truly hypoallergenic. All cats produce dander — tiny bits of skin and hair — that can trigger allergic reactions in people who are particularly sensitive to it. What’s actually responsible for the allergies is a protein found in the dander. The Devon Rex’s curly coat may make it slightly less likely to cause allergies than other breeds because they produce less dander, but there is still the potential for an allergic reaction.

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How to Reduce the Amount of Cat Hair in Your Home

The best way to reduce the amount of cat hair in your home is to invest in a good vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. Regular vacuuming at least twice per week can help keep fur from accumulating on furniture and carpets, as well as reduce airborne allergies. It’s also important to brush your Devon Rex regularly — at least once or twice per week with a slicker or deshedding brush — to minimize shedding. Additionally, bathing your Devon Rex with a mild shampoo can help make the coat easier to groom and keep shedding to a minimum.

Devon rex kitten
Image by: Veera, Shutterstock

How to Minimize Allergic Reactions

You can keep your Devon Rex well-groomed and bathed to reduce allergens in the air, but it’s also important to take other steps like using dust mite covers for mattresses and pillows and using HEPA filters on all air conditioning systems in addition to your vacuum cleaner. Additionally, consider investing in an air purifier for your home to reduce airborne particles.

What Shampoos and Conditioners Should I Use on My Devon Rex?

When it comes to shampoos and conditioners, talk to your veterinarian about what specific products are best for your cat’s coat type. Generally, mild shampoos without a lot of added fragrances or dyes are preferred since harsh chemicals can irritate the skin. Additionally, using a good-quality conditioner after bathing can help keep the coat soft and shiny.

devon rex tabby cat is laying on a soft blanket
Image by: Veera, Shutterstock

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Signs That a Devon Rex’s Coat Is Unhealthy

Signs that your cat’s coat is unhealthy include dry or brittle fur, excessive shedding, dandruff, and bald spots. Additionally, if you notice any bumps or lesions on the skin, it’s important to take your cat to the vet for a check-up. Regular grooming and bathing will also help keep their coat healthy.

Cat Breeds That Shed Less

There are several breeds of cats that tend to shed less than other breeds. Some examples include the Sphynx, Bengal, Oriental Shorthair, and Balinese. However, all cats will shed to some degree, so regular grooming and vacuuming is still important for keeping your home clean and fur-free.

How to Keep Your Devon Rex Safe from Fleas and Ticks

Regular bathing, grooming, and vacuuming will help reduce the risk of fleas and ticks in your home. Additionally, talk to your veterinarian about a preventative flea or tick treatment for your cat. Be sure to follow all instructions carefully when applying any type of pest control product to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Bengal cat sitting on the bed
Image by: Shvaygert Ekaterina, Shutterstock

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Other FAQs About the Devon Rex’s Coat

What type of food should I feed my Devon Rex?

A balanced diet is essential for all cats, but the Devon Rex’s coat will benefit from a diet higher in fatty acids and proteins. Talk to your veterinarian about specific foods that are best suited for your cat’s nutritional needs.

Are there any other considerations I should keep in mind when caring for a Devon Rex?

Because of its delicate coat, the Devon Rex is more vulnerable to extreme temperatures than some other breeds and may need extra protection in cold weather. Additionally, regular vet check-ups are important for all cats, and the Devon Rex may require more frequent visits due to its sensitive skin.

Does a Devon Rex have any other unique needs?

While care requirements vary from cat to cat, there are a few things that all Devon Rex owners should keep in mind. The breed is known to be mischievous and even destructive at times, so it’s important to provide plenty of toys and activities that keep your cat occupied. Additionally, the Devon Rex may need more attention than other breeds due to its high energy level and need for stimulation.

Devon rex is on the couch
Image by: klevers, Shutterstock

Will a sweater help control my cat’s shedding?

A sweater may help keep your cat warm in cold temperatures, but it won’t do much to reduce shedding. The best way to control shedding is through regular grooming and bathing.

Is there anything special I should do to care for my Devon Rex’s coat in the summer?

During hot weather, it’s important to keep your cat cool and hydrated. Provide plenty of fresh water and ways to keep your cat out of direct sunlight or other extreme heat sources. Additionally, make sure you brush and groom your cat regularly to keep the coat healthy and reduce shedding.

Is there anything else I should do to keep my Devon Rex in top condition?

Keeping your Devon Rex healthy and happy is a team effort between you, your vet, and your cat. Make sure you bring your cat in for regular check-ups, provide plenty of enrichment activities to keep them stimulated and feed them a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs. Additionally, providing extra grooming and brushing will help maintain the coat’s silky texture and minimize shedding.

Devon Rex
Image by: George Trumpeter, Shutterstock

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Devon Rex cats do shed, but not any more than other breeds. While regular brushing is necessary to keep their coats healthy and reduce shedding, these cats are still considered to be relatively low maintenance in terms of grooming requirements. With the right care, Devon Rex owners can enjoy their charming pet without having to worry too much about excess fur around the house.

Featured Image Credit: Poppy Pix, Shutterstock

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