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World Pet Memorial Day – How and When Is It Celebrated?

Written by: Kit Copson

Last Updated on May 9, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

cremation for pets

World Pet Memorial Day – How and When Is It Celebrated?

World Pet Memorial Day, which takes place yearly on the second Tuesday of June, is a day to remember and celebrate beloved pets that have sadly left us. People celebrate World Pet Memorial Day in a variety of ways. Some plant trees to honor their lost pets, while others spend time volunteering for an animal rescue or welfare organization. Some may have a simple, personal moment of remembrance for their pet.

There are no rules, though—World Pet Memorial Day can be celebrated in whichever way you feel most comfortable. In this post, we’ll share some ideas for those looking for a way to celebrate World Pet Memorial Day this year. We will also share some of the stories of famous animals in history.

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Celebrating World Pet Memorial Day

cremated remains of a pet cat
Image Credit: umaruchan4678, Shutterstock

If you’d like to celebrate World Pet Memorial Day but aren’t sure how to go about it, the most important thing to remember is that celebrating your pet can be done however you want it to be. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture if that’s not your thing.

Whether you’re considering doing something life-changing (like getting a tattoo of your pet or doing a sponsored skydive for animals) or something more low-key (like lighting a candle for your lost pet), there is no right or wrong way to celebrate your pet’s life. Below are some ideas.

The 7 Different Ways You Can Celebrate World Pet Memorial Day

1. Light a Candle

Candles represent remembrance, peace, and hope and are great for helping you feel tranquil and reflective. If you’d like a simple moment of remembrance for your pet, lighting a candle is a wonderful idea.

2. Plant a Tree

Trees symbolize life and growth and contribute greatly to biodiversity, so some people choose to plant a tree in tribute to a lost pet. A tree is something you can enjoy watching grow and become inhabited by other animals like birds and squirrels for many years.

3. Donate or Volunteer

Donating or volunteering to an animal welfare organization or rescue association in your pet’s name is a fantastic way to repay the unconditional love we receive from our pets. You may find that helping other animals brings you a sense of reward and peace as you heal from your loss.

If you choose to donate, it doesn’t even have to be money. Many rescue organizations and shelters need blankets, food, beds, and toys. If you’d like to go even further, you could even try your hand at organizing a fundraising event for an animal organization.

4. Adopt a Pet

woman adopting a cat
Image Credit: Andriy Blokhin, Shutterstock

If you feel ready to welcome a new pet into your life, why not consider adopting one? Adoption offers another pet a second chance at a loving home, and it’s well-known that adopted pets have twice as much love to give. Moreover, by adopting a pet, you’ll be supporting a rescue organization and helping them continue their important work.

5. Get a Tattoo

Whether you’ve already got tattoos or are ready to get your first one, you might want to consider making your pet the subject. This way, you will always be able to see and feel close to them.

6. Make a Scrap Book or Photo Album

Photo albums and scrapbooks are always there for you to look back on whenever you feel the need. This could be a healing craft activity for World Pet Memorial Day.

7. Talk About Your Pet

What quirks did they have? What funny or downright silly situations did they get themselves (or you) into? How did they show their love? Sharing stories of your pet and talking with others who have experienced the loss of a pet may be comforting. If you don’t have anyone to talk to, you could try a pet loss support group or an online pet loss forum or chat room.

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Famous Animals in History

In the spirit of World Pet Memorial Day, we thought we’d share the tales of some of history’s most famous, brave, loyal, and remarkable animals.


Hachiko, a Japanese Akita, belonged to a University Professor whom he would accompany to the train station every day without fail. When his owner passed away, Hachiko continued going to the train station to wait for him for the next ten years. For his display of loyalty and unwavering devotion, Hachiko is a national hero in Japan. There is a statue of Hachiko outside the Shibuya Train Station.


Seabiscuit, an American Thoroughbred horse originally thought to be unfit for racing, went on to become a champion of the tracks, eventually beating the expected champion, War Admiral, at the 1938 Pimlico race. Seabiscuit is remembered for being the underdog that brought hope to the nation during the Great Depression.


Bob the street cat was found by a British man named James Bowen, who at the time was struggling with drug addiction, in 2007. Bob began accompanying Bowen as he sold copies of The Big Issue on the streets of London and became his constant companion. Bowen credits Bob with saving his life and wrote a book about their life together, which was adapted into a film. Bob sadly passed away in 2014.

Cher Ami

Cher Ami was a pigeon who served in the U.S. Army during the Second World War. He successfully delivered several messages, including a message from Major Charles S. Whittlesey’s battalion that had been thought lost. Over 190 men were brought to safety as a result. Cher Ami was injured in this final mission but still made it back.

He was later awarded the French Croix de Guerre and an Organized Bodies of American Pigeon Fanciers’ gold medal for his service.

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Final Thoughts

Our pets are members of our family, and losing them leaves a gigantic hole in our lives. When we start the healing process, memories of our beloved pets can bring a sense of comfort and peace. Celebrating World Pet Memorial Day is just one of the ways we can remember and honor our pets. We can do this every day by extending kindness and compassion toward all animals.

Featured Image Credit: Igor Sokolov (breeze), Shutterstock

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