If you’ve spent much time on the internet, then you’ve seen the internet favorite meme of the woman yelling at a cat. This silly meme can be used as a template for a variety of jokes, making it one of the most popular meme formats you’ll come across. Let’s explore some of the funniest and best uses of the woman yelling at a cat meme.
The 50 Woman Yelling at Cat Memes
1. Greek Pottery
What if the “woman yelling at cat” meme existed a few thousand years ago?
2. Fresh Ground
Sometimes you have to be a little more specific when placing your order.
3. Egyptian Art
The Greeks weren’t the only ones who could’ve had this meme first, especially since the ancient Egyptians were well known for their love and respect for cats.
4. Geisha Yelling at Cat
The possibilities for places this meme could’ve popped up in history seem to be endless.
5. The Grocery Store
Nobody told you when you were a kid just how important the layout of your favorite grocery store would be to you as an adult.
6. Halloween
You’re never too old for Halloween!
7. Stegosaurus
They might be onto something here…
8. The American South
Anyone who’s ever spent time in the American South has heard some of these.
9. Blood Donation
Maybe this sign should’ve been more specific.
10. Be Afraid
This sign could use some work, too.
11. A Favorite Holiday
Everyone has their own favorite holiday.
12. Girl Scout Cookies
Lemonades are very underrated.
13. Meowth
Team Rocket never seems to get a break from the snarky Meowth.
14. Exercise Classes
Everyone has to start somewhere in their exercise journey.
15. Camp Counselor
There was nothing worse about summer camp than not getting enough sleep no matter what.
16. T-Shirts
Where do you think t-shirts got their name?
17. More Books
Don’t let anyone tell you how many books you can bring into your home!
18. More Plants
You can never have enough plants.
19. Beads
This version combines two of our favorite things: memes and art.
20. Yoga
Anyone who tells you yoga is easy is lying.
21. Dessert
As if being full would stop you.
22. Evolution
This one takes the original meme template and replaces it with an orange cat in sandals.
23. Fire
Some people need to experience things themselves to learn.
24. Home
This doesn’t seem to have happened by accident.
25. Lego
Everyone’s so creative!
26. Siblings
Anyone with a sibling knows what it’s like to be blamed for their sibling losing something of their own.
27. Star Wars vs. Star Trek
Can’t we all just get along?
28. Typos
Autocorrect is a cruel mistress sometimes.
29. Planet of the Apes
They were on Cat Earth the whole time!
30. Bernie’s Mittens
When two of your favorite memes collide.
31. Spooky
It’s a g-g-g-ghost!
32. Always Late
Showing up late to work with the drink that made you late.
33. Ceramics
Calling out the crafters.
34. The Owl
This one is a zinger!
35. Avatar
It’s an easy mistake to make.
36. Food Allergies
Never take food allergies lightly.
37. Meditation
Science shows positive impacts for people who meditate!
38. Amazon Purchases
Budgeting is hard!
39. Dogs and Cats
They might be onto something here…
40. Peacock
We might prefer the cat’s name for peacocks!
41. Classwork
What class is this again?
42. Pizza Rolls
Everyone knows they’re better in the oven.
43. When People Don’t Like You
It’s ok to not be everyone’s cup of tea.
44. Southern-isms
Another Southern version of this meme slipped its way in.
45. Last Night
Stay safe out there!
46. Candy
But M&Ms are pretty good.
47. Black Friday
It does get awfully “peopley” out there on Black Friday.
48. The Sky’s the Limit
He’s got a point.
49. Pull the Door
You probably walked into it, too.
50. 9 out of 10 Dentists
That pesky tenth dentist is always throwing off the votes.
These memes are so silly that we can’t help but laugh at them. Whether he’s being silly, snarky, or a realist, the cat always has something to add to the conversation. What do you think is the best way to use this meme?
Featured Image Credit: evrymmnt, Shutterstock
- The 50 Woman Yelling at Cat Memes
- 1. Greek Pottery
- 2. Fresh Ground
- 3. Egyptian Art
- 4. Geisha Yelling at Cat
- 5. The Grocery Store
- 6. Halloween
- 7. Stegosaurus
- 8. The American South
- 9. Blood Donation
- 10. Be Afraid
- 11. A Favorite Holiday
- 12. Girl Scout Cookies
- 13. Meowth
- 14. Exercise Classes
- 15. Camp Counselor
- 16. T-Shirts
- 18. More Plants
- 19. Beads
- 20. Yoga
- 21. Dessert
- 22. Evolution
- 23. Fire
- 24. Home
- 25. Lego
- 26. Siblings
- 27. Star Wars vs. Star Trek
- 28. Typos
- 29. Planet of the Apes
- 30. Bernie’s Mittens
- 31. Spooky
- 32. Always Late
- 33. Ceramics
- 34. The Owl
- 35. Avatar
- 36. Food Allergies
- 37. Meditation
- 38. Amazon Purchases
- 39. Dogs and Cats
- 40. Peacock
- 41. Classwork
- 42. Pizza Rolls
- 43. When People Don’t Like You
- 44. Southern-isms
- 45. Last Night
- 46. Candy
- 47. Black Friday
- 48. The Sky’s the Limit
- 49. Pull the Door
- 50. 9 out of 10 Dentists
- Conclusion