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Teacup Persian Cats: History, Ethics, & Facts

Written by: Ashley Bates

Last Updated on July 13, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

Teacup Persian Cats

Teacup Persian Cats: History, Ethics, & Facts

Tiny, adorable animals make people go crazy! There’s nothing like seeing a miniature version of the cats and dogs we love so much. It’s no wonder that you heard about a miniature cat and came running. After all, people have fallen madly in love with other breeds like the Munchkin.

So, what exactly is a teacup Persian? It might not be rainbows and butterflies the way you would hope. These cats actually have some pretty serious health conditions and breeding concerns to address. So, if you’re interested in this breed, we’re going to explain everything we can tell you about this feline.

Breed Overview


6–8 inches


5–6 pounds


10–15 years


Virtually any coat color

Suitable for:

Very experienced cat owners


Laidback, relaxed, affectionate

We have to stress and stress and stress—be very, very careful when selecting a teacup Persian. While adorable, sweet, and tempting, most cats are truly not teacup Persians and many other true teacups are not actually so.

Teacup Persian Characteristics

A high-energy cat needs a lot of physical and mental stimulation to keep healthy and happy, while a low-energy cat needs minimal physical activity, but still needs mental stimulation. When choosing a cat, It’s important to ensure their energy levels match your lifestyle.
Cats that are easy-to-train are more willing and skilled at quickly learning prompts and actions with minimal training. Harder-to-train cats are usually more stubborn or aloof and require a bit more patience and practice.
Certain cat breeds are more prone to various genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every cat in those breeds will have these issues, but they do have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Due to their size or potential genetic health issues of a specific breed, some cats have shorter lifespans than others. Proper nutrition, exercise, mental stimulation, and hygiene also play an important role in your cat’s lifespan and quality of life.
Some cat breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other cats and animals. Cats that are more social have a tendency to rub up on strangers for scratches or jump on laps for cuddles, while cats that are less social shy away, hide, are more cautious, and even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed or gender, it’s important to socialize your cat and expose them to many different situations.

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The Earliest Records of Teacup Persian in History

If you don’t understand exactly what the teacup Persian is, it’s best to get a brief overview of where they came from. As you probably already have well put together by the name, the teacup Persian is an extension of the Persian cat breed.

Persians are extremely old and still a highly popular and revered cat breed. This breed is brachycephalic, meaning they have protruding, round eyes and pushed in faces.

How Teacup Persian Gained Popularity

You could say that the teacup Persian is a bit of a trendy choice these days. We all know that Keeping Up with the Kardashians is one of the most famous shows of this generation. So many people are influenced by the reality TV shows they watch.

Kim Kardashian got a teacup Persian cat, practically as a fashion accessory. The breathtakingly adorable looks of the teacup Persian really won over the hearts of many onlookers. But ethically, are these animals spread responsibly? That is a whole story of its own.

Many breeders are into experimental hybrids, and combinations. They have utilized different genetics to bring about certain physical anomalies seen in breeds like the Lykoi, Selkirk Rex, Devon Rex, and Manx.

Formal Recognition of the Teacup Persian

The teacup Persian is not formally recognized by any major cat organization as a breed on its own. It is simply recognized as a Persian.

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Top 3 Unique Facts About Teacup Persians

1. Teacup Persians Aren’t Always Bred Responsibly

If you ever see a teacup Persian listed as being under 5 pounds as an adult, steer completely clear. Either the person is trying to manipulate the sale, or the poor animal has been bred in a completely inappropriate fashion. Often these animals are thousands of dollars and the quality is often not what is promised.

2. Kim Kardashian Owned a Teacup Persia

Kanye West surprised Kim Kardashian during the budding romance with a teacup Persian kitten. The partnership was short-lived, however, when Kim found out that she was allergic to cats.

Instead of keeping the cat that was irritating her nasal passages, she passed it along to one of her sister’s assistants. As far as we know, the cat was said to pass away from a cancer-like virus. The kitten was only 4 months old.

3. Teacup Persians Are Just Persians

Some folks diligently breed teacup Persians as an art and a practice. They have secured the ways to produce sound, healthy kittens genetically.

However, even though these are much smaller than regular Persian cats, they are not their own breed. They are simply a rare size of Persian, and they are not recognized by most cat associations.

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Do Teacup Persians Make a Good Pet?

Because Persians are brachycephalic, they already have a lot of health problems anyway. When you add the fact that these are abnormally miniature on top of it, it can create even more health problems.

Teacup Persians are not an actual breed. Because of this, it leaves a lot of room for people to exploit these poor animals. Some people use false advertising to convince buyers that they are, in fact, teacups when they are not.

Others will breed runts of the litter, creating extremely unhealthy and temperamentally unsound animals. Since there are no standard regulations, there is no one to really be held accountable and people can charge for these cats as much as they want.

The problem with these extremely poor breeding practices, aside from the obvious, is that it really shortens the time you’re able to spend with your beloved cat. Often, these cats are susceptible to a number of health issues and don’t live full lives.

There are legitimate teacup Persians out there, but they are few and far between and you have to do your research about the breeder diligently.

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Who really doesn’t love the idea of a cat that is forever the size of a kitten? We totally understand why you would. But the reality is, there is no such thing as a truly miniature cat in the way we might imagine. Knowledgeable professionals should very carefully breed these cats to avoid very common health issues and overall genetic malfunctions.

These cats must be bred properly to be sustainable, so always, always, always buy from a reputable, ethical breeder.

Featured Image Credit: cynoclub, Shutterstock

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