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120+ Chinese Cat Names: Ideas for Interesting & Intriguing Cats

Written by: Ashley Bates

Last Updated on June 19, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

120+ Chinese Cat Names: Ideas for Interesting & Intriguing Cats

Perhaps you’re drawn to Chinese names because you’re fascinated by Chinese culture and history or have roots in the country. Whatever your reason for choosing a name of Chinese origin, we rounded up some of the most interestingly beautiful names we could find. Whether you’re looking for a unique name or need inspiration, you are sure to find a name that fits your feline like a glove.

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How to Name Your Cat

If you are sure you want your cat to have a Chinese name, how do you narrow your search?

  • Personality—Sometimes, your cat’s odd habits can help you instantly match them with an appropriate name.
    You might be the type of person who can only name a pet once you get to know them. If that is the case, you can examine this list once you find out what your little kitty is like.
  • Meaning—If you have a little spitfire or an exceptionally tiny cat, you may want their name to have an underlying meaning that matches their attitude or appearance.
    Whether the meaning reminds you of your cat or is something special that you enjoy, you can secure a fabulous name with a strong story behind it.
  • Preference—Sometimes, when you see a name, you’re instantly drawn to it. It stands out and seems to fit your cat perfectly.
    It doesn’t matter if it makes sense to anyone else. You’re the one who will use the name all the time, and it’s best if it’s something you adore.

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Female Chinese Cat Names

cat blue eyes_Andreas Lischka_Pixabay
Image Credit: Andreas Lischka, Pixabay
  • Annchi — Angelic peace
  • Bai — Crystal clear
  • Bao — Treasure
  • Bik — Jade
  • Bo — Precious
  • Changchang — Flourishing
  • Chaoxing — Morning star
  • Chun — Springtime
  • Chyou — Autumn
  • Daitai — Leading a boy in hopes
  • Daiyu — Black jade
  • Diu — Down to earth
  • Fan —Mortal
  • Fenfang — Fragrant
  • Guang — Glory
  • Holea — Holy
  • Hua — Flower
  • Jia — Beautiful
  • Jilpa — Teacher of life
  • Jin — Gold
  • Ju — Daisy
  • Jun — Truth
  • Lai — Future
  • Lanying — Blue quartz
  • Li — Upright
  • Liena — Lotus flower
  • Ling —  Compassion
  • Liqui — Beautiful autumn
  • Lixue — Pretty and pure
  • Loi — Thunder
  • Luli — Dewy jasmine
  • Mayleen — Beautiful
  • Mei — Beautiful plum
  • Meilin — Plum tree
  • Ming Yue — Bright moon
  • Na — Elegant
  • Niu — A girl
  • Nuo — Graceful
  • Pangfua — Cloud-shaped flower
  • Peizhi — Respectful
  • O Huang — August
  • Qi — Life force
  • Qiao — Skillful
  • Qiingge — Clear pavilion
  • Qinyang — Sunshine of my heart
  • Rou — Gentle
  • Ruomei — Like a plum
  • Shu — Fair
  • Shuang — Frank
  • Shun — Smooth
  • Sya — Summertime
  • Tao — Peach
  • Teegan — Good-looking
  • Ushi — The ox
  • Wei — Valuable
  • Weici — Preserving love
  • Wen — Refinement
  • Xia — Summer lotus
  • Xiaoli — Morning jasmine
  • Xiu — Fine
  • Xue — Snow
  • Yow — Feminine
  • Yue — Moon
  • Yuke — Jade
  • Yunru — Charming
  • Zhu — Graceful

Male Chinese Cat Names

White cat laying on dry grass
Image Credit: MabelAmber, Pixabay
  • An — Peace
  • Bai — White
  • Bambang — Soldier
  • Biming — Clear
  • Bingwen — Bright
  • Boqin — Respect
  • Chang — Spirit
  • Chao — Surpassing
  • Chaun — Secure
  • Chen — Great
  • Chi — Younger generation
  • Chun —Bloom
  • Deli —Virtuous
  • Dong — East
  • Duyi — Whole
  • Fai — Beginning
  • Fu — Wealthy
  • Gen — Root
  • Gui — Noble
  • Guotin — Leader
  • Hai — Sea
  • Haoyu — Vast universe
  • He — Peace of the river
  • Hong — Swan
  • Hop — Agreeable
  • Hui — Splendor
  • Jian — Great
  • Jig — Quick
  • Jun — Truth
  • Kun — Universe
  • Lei — Thunder
  • Li — Strength
  • Li Wei — Logic
  • Liang — Bright
  • Liu — Willow
  • Lixin — Glorious sunrise
  • Lok — Happiness
  • Manchu —Pure
  • Mingli — Bright
  • Ning- – Spirit
  • Park — Cypress tree
  • Peizhi — Respectful
  • Ru — Bright
  • Shilin — Intellectual
  • Shui — Like water
  • Song — Pine tree
  • Susu — Quiet
  • Taio — Distinguished
  • Tao — Waves
  • Tengfei — Soaring
  • Wang — Wish
  • Wei — Great
  • Weizhe — Sage
  • Xin — New
  • Xuesong — Snow pine tree
  • Yang — Model
  • Yanlin — Beijing forest
  • Ye — Bright
  • Yingpei — Admire
  • Yongrui — Lucky
  • Yufei — Feather in flight
  • Zhixin — Ambitious
  • Zhong—Loyal
  • Zhou — Assist
  • Zian — Peace

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What’s Your Pick?

Did you find a name on this list that struck your fancy? Maybe you saw a couple and have to pick one out of a hat now. It can be hard to decide when you have so many options. Regardless, we hope these names and meanings helped you pin down one or two names that seem to fit the bill. We wish you the best of luck in naming your new bundle of joy.

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Featured Image Credit: Freer, Shutterstock

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