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What Kind of Toys Do Blind Cats Like? 4 Vet-Reviewed Types They’ll Enjoy!

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on June 7, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

blind calico cat

What Kind of Toys Do Blind Cats Like? 4 Vet-Reviewed Types They’ll Enjoy!


Dr. Marta Vidal-Abarca Photo


Dr. Marta Vidal-Abarca

Veterinarian, BVSc GPCert (Ophthal) MRCVS

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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If you find yourself the proud owner of a blind kitty, it can feel like there are a whole host of things that you need to navigate carefully, like toys. You want to get toys that they’ll love, but you also don’t want to waste your money on toys that they can’t figure out without their eyesight.

This guide walks you through everything that you need to know when toy shopping for a blind cat.

divider-catclaw1 What Kinds of Toys Do Blind Cats Like?

Blind cats like toys, but you need to find them the right ones. Here are the things to look for when shopping for toys for your blind cat.

1. Great-Smelling Toys

Cat smell toy
Image By: Magui RF, Shutterstock

Since blind cats can’t use their eyes to navigate the world, they rely on their other senses. One sense that is already strong in cats is the sense of smell.

Blind cats love great-smelling toys and will enjoy interacting with them, and the strong smell also helps them find them on their own. Catnip is a great scent for a toy because most cats already can’t resist the odor, but there are other smells that cats like.

Consider toys that smell of olive, honeysuckle, lavender, or thyme. But keep in mind that not all cats like the same scents, so it’s a good idea to try a few different options and find exactly what your cat likes.

2. Loud Toys

KONG Eight Track Cat Toy-BG

While blind cats can’t see, there’s usually nothing wrong with their ears. Cats love interacting with new sounds and noises in general, and a blind cat will enjoy a toy that makes plenty of noise.

Look for toys that make crinkling or whirring sounds when your cat interacts with them. While some cats like toys that make noise on their own, if they are too loud or spontaneous, they can end up scaring your cat by accident.

But if the toys only make noise when your cat interacts with them, there’s a good chance that their curious nature will take over and they’ll keep playing with them.

3. Great-Feeling Toys

Cat Sensory Toy
Image By: Jeanette Virginia Goh, Shutterstock

If your cat can feel something to play with and they like the way that it feels, they’re more likely to play with it.

A blind cat typically can’t figure out what something is without touching it, so if they don’t like the way that it feels, they’re going to stay away from it. While bright colors or moving objects can help a seeing cat overcome some of these sensory issues, blind cats must go off of how it feels.

Feeling the toy and finding a texture that your cat likes is essential.

4. Treat Toys

cat plays with a toy
Image By: Ekaterina Kolomeets, Shutterstock

Seeing cats love treat toys and blind cats enjoy them too. They can smell the food inside the toy, which entices them to play and to keep trying to figure it out.

If your blind cat is showing little to no interest in other toys, treat toys can be a great way to get them interested for the first time and encourage them to play with something new.

yarn ball dividerPlaying With a Blind Cat

While cats are notoriously independent and have a stubborn streak, they still want you to play with them. Cats crave attention and blind cats are no different.

It’s important to take things slow with a blind cat, to let them explore at their own pace, but don’t keep them from doing things. Blind cats are great at navigating the world around them, and they can climb, play, and engage with other people and felines just like any other cat!

divider-catclaw1 Final Thoughts

Just because your cat can’t see doesn’t mean they won’t enjoy having a few toys around. Keep in mind their visual limitations when shopping for toys, and do your best to find a toy that they will like! But the truth is that as long as you’re not relying on a toy solely for its visual colors, a blind cat can play with anything.

Give them a little time and a bit of help, and there’s not much that these persistent cats can’t do!

Featured Image Credit: Casey Elise Christopher, Shutterstock

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