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How to Make Cat Toys Out of Socks: 7 Steps & Safety Tips

Written by: Ashley Bates

Last Updated on May 2, 2024 by Nicole Cosgrove

cat playing toy on the floor

How to Make Cat Toys Out of Socks: 7 Steps & Safety Tips

With all the creative minds on the Internet, we never run out of DIY projects to create. We can make so many things for ourselves and our pets from our homes. Thanks to the dryer eating all of yours, you might have a shortage of matching socks.

So, what do you do with all those mismatches? You turn them into cat toys. Luckily, creating cat toys out of old socks is one of the cheapest and easiest things you can create. We’ll discuss how to make a simple, attractive cat toy from your old socks.

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Since homemade cat toys have not been through rigorous testing, you should supervise your cat when they play with them. If something comes undone or you accidentally attach small pieces that could be dangerous to your cat, they could injure themselves.

To avoid that completely, it’s best to have interactive play time or be close by when your cat is trying out the latest toy you’ve designed. Now that we’re all safe and secure, we can get down to creating!

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The 7 Steps to Making Sock Toys for Your Cat

1. Find Your Socks of Choice

You probably have so many socks you can scoop up five to 10 to create your projects. The sock you select shouldn’t have any holes since you’ll be stuffing it with material that can fall out.

Consider the size. Ankle socks might be fine if you want to create a relatively small cat toy. If you want to create a sizable design, you can choose socks with extra room for tying and folding.

Avoid brightly colored socks in case you have a sensitive kitty and don’t even know it. Some dyes can irritate your cat, so try to choose white socks if you can. A good pair of cotton socks is ideal. You don’t want the material too thick so your cat can’t smell what’s inside. But you also don’t want it to be so thin that they can rip it open with moderate play.

man holding socks
Image Credit:, Shutterstock

2. Gather Up Other Supplies

Next, consider what to stuff the sock with. You can choose a combination of materials, and we’ve included a few examples below.

Potential Supplies:

  • Yarn
  • Jute String
  • Catnip
  • Stuffing
  • Corks
  • Bells
  • Feathers
  • Balls
  • Crinkle paper

Catnip only affects about 80% of cats. You should know by now if your cat is affected by catnip. If you don’t, you might want to test it out first. You can also gather crinkly-sounding materials and add bells or noisemakers.

This isn’t a one-size-fits-all design, and you can get pretty creative with it. You can even get feathers, dangling material, and other play-enticing materials to tie around the sock to make playtime more exciting.

3. Toss It All Together

Begin stuffing the sock evenly with your chosen materials. Once you fill the sock halfway up, it’s time to stop. The unstuffed section will be used to tie it up.

woman holding socks on the table
Image Credit: Lidaphotos, Shutterstock

4. Secure the Sock

You can fold the sock until it is in a knot and pull it tightly to prevent spills. Or you can use jute string, yarn, or another sturdy material to close it tightly. You can leave some of the strings to dangle, encouraging play.

5. Add Decorations, Playthings, and Enhancers to the Sock

Now is the time if you have any additional items you’d like to add to the sock. You can attach feathers, bells, and other enticing items. Just make sure they’re safe for your kitty to play with.

hand made cat toy
Image Credit: lilechik-h, Shutterstock

6. Make Sure All Pieces Are Securely On

Double and triple-check every tie, knot, or stitch you’ve done on the sock. You want to ensure that no little pieces will come off during play.

7. Toss It to Your Cat to Try Out

It’s time to give it to your biggest critic. Toss the toy to your cat to see if they respond. You might even try getting down on the floor and activating their play sense. See if the new homemade toy is the next big hit. If not, it was all free anyway. That’s the beauty of DIY.

kitten playing mouse toy
Image Credit: MaraZe, Shutterstock

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Extra Pointers

This is just the baseline version of what you can do to create a sock toy for your cat. With this basic concept, you can get as intricate as you want. You could turn half of a sock into a mouse, elephant, lion, or other animal you can dream up. You can even make little creatures or add embellishments to the sock to make it look intriguing.

As long as you have a safely closed sock to work with, you can decorate the exterior. You can also get your kids to help since it doesn’t require sharp tools. Each could make one for your pets to see which one they respond to most. If you have several old socks, you can make a few styles of cat toys as gifts for a friend.

Make sure you’re creating a safe item for your cat to enjoy.

Exercise Caution

Ensure every item you choose for your cat’s sock toy is completely kitty-friendly. Some materials are unsuitable for our feline friends, so we must ensure that we’re keeping our cat’s safety in mind first and foremost.

Avoid sharp objects, toxic oils, small pieces, and other questionable items.

cat laying on ground playing
Image Credit: Ingus Kruklitis, Shutterstock

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Final Thoughts

Creating cat toys out of socks can be an enjoyable experience. You can make them as straightforward or complex as you want, as long as you use safe materials and secure attachments. Plus, you don’t have to spend any money to do this. You can show off your homemade to your friends next time they stop by to see you and your fun-loving feline.

Featured Image Credit: Lukasz Pawel Szczepanski, Shutterstock

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