Cats are going to claim cardboard boxes. It’s just their thing. As their human, you have two choices:
1. Leave a plain ugly cardboard box in the middle of your living room for months.
2. Make that boring box into a fabulous fort!
We’re happy to report that many of you choose option #2, and we have the photos to prove it (and inspire you next time your cat stakes claim to that Amazon box).
Top 9 Homemade Cat Forts You Can Build in 2024
For the true cat fort connoisseurs. I believe we’ll call this an actual fortress. Photo by tommyka.
Eye spy a funny fort! Photo by DAVe Warnke.
Be sure you have enough fortitude for each kitty. Photo by monkeycatt.
Why stop at a simple fort when you can build a fancy castle? Photo by theBLACKOCTOPUS.
A common cat for theme? An opening shaped like this. Photo by SparkleGirlJen.
Don’t forget to keep the interior design of your cat fort in mind! Photo by arimoore.
Stuff your fort with fun fillings. The more noise it makes, the better! Photo by catasterist.
A little graffiti adds an artful touch to your cat fort. Photo by beholdthev.
And last, but certainly not least. Feel free to think outside the box when constructing your cat’s fort! Wow! Photo by Anna Delores.
Feature Image Credit: habunman, Pixabay