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6 Reasons Cat-Sitting Jobs Are Awesome

My best friend and I run a cat-sitting business, and last week was my first gig. Here's why I love it.

Written by: JaneA Kelley

Last Updated on February 29, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

Cat Man Tattoo Sitting Owner

6 Reasons Cat-Sitting Jobs Are Awesome

More and more people are viewing their pets as part of the family, which includes figuring out the ideal care while they’re traveling. Cat sitting is a growing profession that gives pet owners the comfort of knowing a kind, caring, and trustworthy person is looking after their cats while they’re away—and there are some perks for the sitter as well.

Whether you’re considering becoming a cat sitter or you’ve already done a little pet sitting as a side hustle, here are all the reasons that cat-sitting jobs are awesome.

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The 6 Reasons Cat-Sitting Jobs Are Awesome

1. It’s Fun Money

If you’re an animal lover, there’s no question that cat sitting is a fun way to make a living. You get to relax and spend time with cats while earning some extra funds. That sure beats making coffee or delivering food as a side hustle.

Young woman cat sitter meeting gray cat
Image Credit: sima, Shutterstock

2. You Can Spend Time With Cats

This one is obvious, but not everyone has the opportunity to have a cat of their own. And if they do, they still want to hang out with other cats. Whichever applies to you, know that you’ll get a lot of chances to cuddle and play with a variety of kitties.

3. Cats Are (Mostly) Low Maintenance

Though some cat breeds are needy, cats are much easier to care for than dogs or some other pets. Other than feeding, cleaning the litter box, and playtime, cats don’t demand walks, long runs outside, or other hard work.

Kitten bengal cat pet and man looking at each other
Image Credit: Raphael Angeli, Getty Images

4. You Learn More About Cats

Even if you think you’re the “cat whisperer”, cats are individuals, and all have unique personalities and quirks. Getting exposure to a range of different cat breeds and personalities makes you a well-rounded cat caregiver and prepares you for situations you may come across with your own cat.

5. You’ll Gain Fellow Cat Lovers as Friends

Leaving a pet in someone else’s care requires a lot of trust. Naturally, friendships develop between cat owners and their cat sitters, so you’re building a network of fellow cat lovers and contacts that may come in handy in the future.

pet sitter holding the devon rex cat in her arm
Image Credit: Veera, Shutterstock

6. It’s Rewarding

Cat sitting can pay well, but it’s not about the money. For most cat sitters, it’s a rewarding experience and privilege to be entrusted with someone else’s pet and home. Cat sitters care for other people’s cats as they would their own, building a unique bond.

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Is It Easy to Become a Cat Sitter?

There’s a huge demand for cat sitters across the country. However, it takes some hard work to market yourself and build a positive reputation in the area. Online networks, such as Reddit, Rover, WagWalking, and, can be a good start but don’t hesitate to get the word out in your area. Many pet sitters build their client list by sitting for a friend or family member and getting referrals.

young cat owner playing with her pet at home
Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

Most importantly, don’t get discouraged! It can take time to gain traction and get your name out there. If you’re not getting a lot of work initially, put that time into boosting your credentials. Volunteer at local shelters and look into certification programs to improve your credibility.



From a side hustle to a full-time job, cat sitting is a dream profession of many. The work is fun and rewarding, not to mention that you literally get paid to play with cats. What could be better?

Featured Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

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