Emma Stenhouse

Emma is a freelance writer, specializing in writing about pets, outdoor pursuits, and the environment. Originally from the UK, she has lived in Costa Rica and New Zealand before moving to a smallholding in Spain with her husband, their 4-year-old daughter, and their dogs, cats, horses, and poultry. When she's not writing, Emma can be found taking her dogs for walks in the rolling fields around their home...and usually, at least some of the cats come along, too! Emma is passionate about rescuing animals and providing them with a new life after being abandoned or abused. As well as their own four rescue dogs, she also fosters dogs for re-homing, providing them with love and training while searching for their forever homes.

Black Oriental Shorthair in the grass

Why Does My Cat Hunt? Vet-Approved Behavior Science & Information

If you make sure your cat is always well-fed and has plenty of toys, it can be frustrating to find that they still want to hunt. Whether that’s catching something in your backyard or stalking the dog, most cats can’t help themselves. If you want to understand more about this behavior, you’re in the right

Why Does My Cat Hunt? Vet-Approved Behavior Science & Information Read More »

newborn kitten in man's hand

Why Do Kittens Sometimes Die Suddenly? Vet-Verified Causes & Facts

Having a litter of newborn kittens in your house can be a cause for celebration, but it can sometimes also cause heartache. These tiny little bundles of fluff are incredibly fragile, and sometimes you might wake up to find that a kitten died overnight. Sadly, it’s a common occurrence that out of a litter, a

Why Do Kittens Sometimes Die Suddenly? Vet-Verified Causes & Facts Read More »

cat walking in the wild_caligari77, Pixabay

The Evolution & Domestication of Cats: A Quick Look (Vet-Approved)

If you’ve ever wondered exactly how cats came to be domesticated, we’re here to answer that question! The evidence suggests that wild cats actively chose to hang around with humans, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. The Domestic Cat’s Ancestors Research has found that all breeds of domestic cats are descended from a wildcat called

The Evolution & Domestication of Cats: A Quick Look (Vet-Approved) Read More »

cats armwrestling fight battle_Nils Jacobi_shutterstock

Do Cats Fight to the Death? Facts & Prevention Tips (Vet-Verified)

You might have heard your neighborhood cats yowling into the night and wonder whether these fights ever result in the death of a cat. Maybe your indoor cats have suddenly started fighting, and you’re concerned that they may injure each other. You’ve probably noticed that your cat comes armed with impressive weapons in the form

Do Cats Fight to the Death? Facts & Prevention Tips (Vet-Verified) Read More »

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