Eleanor Glaum

Eleanor is a freelance writer, science, and math high school teacher. She lives in South Africa's picturesque KwaZulu Natal Midlands with her six-year-old son, cat, horse, and three chickens. She is happy to be able to convert her enthusiasm for animals, science, and life-long learning into valuable and interesting writings. Eleanor and her son enjoy exploring their wonderful nation in their spare time. Road trips to exotic camping places are a cherished pastime. They particularly like unwinding near the sea, in the mountains, or among African animals.

Three-Legged Cat Names

140 Three-Legged Cat Names: Adorable Names For Your Tripod Feline

Cats have a knack for pushing their physical boundaries, getting themselves into trouble, and usually getting out of it unscathed. Thank goodness for their nine lives! On rare occasions, they don’t escape safely. The resulting injury is usually minor, but tragically, sometimes a major injury, such as the loss of a limb, may occur. Accidents […]

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a cat sitting on the street

How Long Does an Outdoor Cat Live? Average Lifespan & Info (Vet-Approved)

Under natural conditions, cats are potent predators that effectively stalk and capture prey in a variety of outdoor environments. However, cats have become domesticated in the last 10,000 years, and in modern times, the number of domesticated cats exponentially outnumbers true wild cats remaining in natural habitats. Domestic cats are found in just about every

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Bombay Black Cat Meowing and touching a foot

Attention Seeking Behavior in Cats: Vet-Reviewed Signs, Causes & What to Do

For many cat owners and lovers, there’s an inclination to feel rather honored when a normally somewhat-detached feline comes to rub on one’s legs or settle into your lap for a cuddle. Under normal circumstances and in usual amounts, these displays of attention-seeking are welcomed and appreciated. After all, that is one of the predominant

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siamese cat fur with dandruff

Why Does My Cat Have Dandruff? 11 Vet Reviewed Causes & Treatment

Perhaps you’ve noticed some white flaky bits on your cat’s skin or in their coat and you were wondering about it. Cats have the propensity to experience dandruff in much the same way that we do. A little bit of dandruff is usually not bothersome to your kitty. In most cases, dandruff isn’t life-threatening, however

Why Does My Cat Have Dandruff? 11 Vet Reviewed Causes & Treatment Read More »

Tuxedo cat

Tuxedo Ragdoll Cat: Facts, Origin & History (With Pictures)

The Ragdoll is a charming, almost larger-than-life cat with stunning blue eyes and a generous disposition. This breed can have many different coat colors and patterns. The term “tuxedo” describes a specific coat color and pattern, with the name giving a clue to its appearance. Kitties with a tuxedo coat have a distinguished air about

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Dogs and Munchkins Get Along

Do Munchkin Cats Get Along With Dogs? – The Interesting Answer!

Affectionately known as the Dachshund of the feline world, the diminutive Munchkin Cat is pure, fur-covered cuteness! Their loveable looks are mirrored by equally loveable personalities and they are known for being amiable felines that fit in comfortably with most households. In general, Munchkin cats get along happily with dogs, with some sources even noting

Do Munchkin Cats Get Along With Dogs? – The Interesting Answer! Read More »

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