Dr. Meg Barnes BVSC MRCVS (Veterinarian)

Originally from Australia, Meg is a veterinary surgeon, cat expert, and writer, currently living and working in Scotland with her family. She is a passionate advocate of preventative medicine, educating clients, and believes medicine never has a one size fits all approach. When not vetting, her happy place is either writing, or out walking the hills with her daughter and Labrador in tow.

veterinarian uses an oral syringe to administer liquid dewormer to a kitten

How to Deworm Feral Cats: 4 Tips & Tricks (Vet Answer)

Deworming cats can be challenging at the best times, especially if they are feral. Cats have the marvelous ability to turn into agile gymnasts, and alongside their claws and teeth, this can make shoving a tablet down the back of their throats next to impossible. Unfortunately, being proficient little hunters, feral cats are prone to […]

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a cat in a veterinary clinic being examined by a doctor

Diabetic Neuropathy in Cats: 4 Signs to Look For (Vet Answer)

Just like humans, cats can develop diabetes. In fact, it is one of the most common hormonal disorders in the feline population, especially middle-aged and older cats. When cats have diabetes, it means they don’t respond to or produce enough insulin to regulate their blood sugar levels. When one’s blood sugar spikes after eating a

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cat being observed by a female veterinarian

5 Most Common Cancers in Cats (Vet Answer): Signs, Causes & Treatments

It’s an unfortunate reality that cats are susceptible to cancer, just like humans are. Advances in veterinary medicine and pet care are making it easier to detect cancer, though, and with the subsequent increase in lifespans, the rates of diagnoses are increasing. However, diagnosis can still be difficult, especially since older animals are often suffering

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bengal cat and vet

Feline Leukemia Virus in Cats (Vet Answer): Signs, Causes & Care

Second only to trauma, feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a leading cause of death in cats worldwide. In 2010, statistics suggested that it affected 2–3% of cats1, making it a crucial disease to consider for the health and well-being of the cat population. Fortunately, testing and vaccination programs have reduced the prevalence of the disease

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