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Are Savannah Cats Good Pets? Pros & Cons

Written by: Rachael Gerkensmeyer

Last Updated on May 9, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

stryker cat breed Savannah F1

Are Savannah Cats Good Pets? Pros & Cons

Savannah cats are created by breeding domestic cats with wild African Serval cats. These felines are beautiful, but their “wild” side must be acknowledged. After all, wild cats don’t typically do well in domesticated situations. Perhaps that’s why some states, including Hawaii and Nebraska, have banned the breed altogether1. However, many others do allow people to own most, if not all, generations of Savannah cats.

So, do Savannah cats make good pets, or are they nothing more than trendy commodities? The truth is that Savannah cats typically make excellent pets, but there are a few exceptions. Here’s what you should know about owning a Savannah cat.

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The Savannah Cat’s Basic Attributes & Temperament

Savannah cats may be part wild cat, but they are known as loving, loyal, and playful felines that enjoy adventure. They don’t mind spending time around humans, and they can get along well with other cats and dogs in their households. This designer breed is inquisitive and always wants to be a part of the action. They do nap frequently like the average cat, but they seem to be much nosier.

This mixed breed can be mischievous and tends to enjoy playing “tricks” on their human companions by swatting them when they’re least expecting it or toppling over items. They expect plenty of interaction from anyone spending time in their vicinity, so don’t expect to use your laptop in peace!

Savannah kitten
Image Credit: Kolomenskaya Kseniya, Shutterstock

Savannah Cat Generations

Savannah cats are separated into generational categories depending on their lineage. First-generation Savannah designer cats have one wild African Serval parent and one domestic feline parent. Second-generation Savannah cats have at least one grandparent that is a wild African Serval. Third-generation Savannah cats have a great-grandparent that is a wild Serval, and so on. It is important to understand the different Savannah cat generations so you know exactly what you are getting into when adopting this designer breed.

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Why Most Savannah Cats Make Good Pets

Due to their playful attitude and loyal disposition, Savannah cats make great pets for the average household. Savannah cats don’t hiss and growl at their companions or other cats and dogs that live in the house and generally get along well in a structured household. They love attention and affection, and they have no problem curling up to cuddle when it’s movie time.

Savannah cats get along well with children, young adults, and older adults. They don’t seem to mind the shenanigans of toddlers who might like to pull their tails or get too close to that “personal bubble” overall.  They enjoy lounging around with older kids who are doing homework, using the computer, or watching television. They can get plenty of exercise indoors as long as you provide them with climbing towers, toys, and other activities and adventure opportunities for them to take advantage of throughout the day.

savannah kitten on green grass
Image by: Lindasj22, Shutterstock

When a Savannah Cat Might Not Make a Good Pet

Not all households make good environments for Savannah cats as pets. For one, they have an extremely strong prey drive, and they will go after pets like fish, hamsters, and other small animals. Households that enjoy these types of pets should not consider adopting a Savannah cat. Otherwise, there is no reason to overlook the Savannah cat as a pet if you’re considering a domestic cat in the first place—aside from the price. Savannah cats can cost thousands of dollars, depending on the breeder and the generation.

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Savannah cats are fun-loving animals that can make great pets. However, they are energetic and like to be naughty sometimes, so they aren’t the best choice if you prefer a quiet and orderly household. These are not cats that you will likely find at your local humane society or no-kill shelter, so take the time to learn about animal breeding before deciding to buy from a breeder.

Featured Image Credit: Kolomenskaya Kseniya, Shutterstock

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