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Cats have often been tied to mystical practices and have also become common companions for witch figures and characters in pop culture. Therefore, it’s appropriate to give Wiccan names to cats. There are many beautiful and unique names revolving around Wiccan themes, and we’ve gathered several to inspire you as you search for the perfect Witchy cat name.
How to Name Your Cat
Many Wiccan cat names are from old legends and lore. So, one great way to name your cat is to find characters in your favorite myths and folklore. Wiccan and Celtic traditions share similar roots and ideologies, and you can find inspiration in Celtic and Gaelic names.
Since Wicca also has strong ties to nature, you can consider natural elements to draw inspiration. If you’ve already adopted your cat, you can look for features that reflect different parts of nature.
Browse through our list of Witchy cat names and identify several that stand out to you. You can spend time researching their origins and whittle down your list of favorite names until you land on one that you feel connected to the most.

Male Witch Cat Names
Several ancient traditions and religions have names tied to nature and mystical practices. We’ve listed some Witch names for cats from various origins, including Greek, Roman, and Celtic traditions. Take time to look up the meanings of your favorite names and see if they fit your cat.
- Aiden
- Albus
- Binx
- Blaise
- Bruxo
- Finn
- Giles
- Graeme
- Griffin
- Grimm
- Hunter
- Kai
- Keegan
- Magnus
- Merlin
- Nostradamus
- Oberon
- Rumi
- Rushdie
- Salem

Female Witch Cat Names
Wiccan and ancient history are filled with strong women who created a significant mark or paved the way for future generations of Wiccans. Here are some Witchy cat names for females tied to prominent figures or to traditions.
- Allende
- Althea
- Aradia
- Baba
- Beatrix
- Brynn
- Cleo
- Cordelia
- Endora
- Evanora
- Hayden
- Llyr
- Maeve
- Naylor
- Ophelia
- Psyche
- Pythia
- Sybil
- Theodosia
- Ursula

Nature Cat Names
Wiccan practices have deep ties to nature, and as you know, the environment features several beautiful and inspiring plants, animals, and natural processes. Your new pet may be the ideal candidate for a name derived from nature.
- Alder
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Anise
- Ash
- Aspen
- Asteria
- Aura
- Autumn
- Blade
- Blossom
- Bran
- Brook
- Celeste
- Clover
- Corvus
- Crescent
- Crysta
- Dahlia
- Delphi
- Ebony
- Elm
- Elowen
- Ember
- Fern
- Flora
- Foster
- Gem
- Hemlock
- Herb
- Jade
- Juniper
- Lavender
- Laurel
- Lotus
- Luna
- Myrtle
- Moss
- Nettle
- Nightshade
- Pewter
- Rose
- Rowan
- Sage
- Shadow
- Soladite
- Solstice
- Thistle
- Twilight

Cat Names from Myths and Legends
Ancient myths and legends have fantastic characters, mythical creatures, and symbolism. The names below were inspired by legendary characters and other elements you can find in ancient lore.
- Adonis
- Aibell
- Ailm
- Alcina
- Andromeda
- Aradia
- Artemis
- Ashera
- Athena
- Auriga
- Bast
- Belenus
- Brigid
- Camulos
- Cassiopeia
- Cernunnos
- Cerridwen
- Charon
- Circe
- Cybele
- Cygnus
- Dagda
- Danu
- Dara
- Dionysus
- Draco
- Drake
- Elat
- Epona
- Eriu
- Erzulie
- Faeryn
- Freya
- Gaia
- Grannus
- Gwydion

- Hecate
- Helena
- Herne
- Hex
- Imp
- Jiniri
- Kikimora
- Lamassu
- Leo
- Lilith
- Loki
- Lugus
- Mafdet
- Mage
- Mihos
- Minerva
- Morpheus
- Morrigan
- Nergal
- Nimue
- Odin
- Ogma
- Orion
- Ovinnik
- Percy
- Puck
- Pythia
- Rhiannon
- Sekhmet
- Selene
- Shaman
- Shedu
- Sorginak
- Sphynx
- Sprite
- Strega
- Styx
- Taranis
- Tefnu
- Toutatis
- Warlock
- Wraith

Magical Cat Names
Wicca has ties to magic and ancient rituals. Here are some magical and mystical cat names that include elements used in rituals and names of common holidays.
- Aces
- Adept
- Aether
- Akasha
- Arcana
- Athame
- Balefire
- Baton
- Beltane
- Besom
- Blade
- Chalice
- Chant
- Charm
- Esbat
- Grimoire
- Heka
- Imbolc
- Jinx
- Juju
- Jumper
- Kabbalah

- Lammas
- Litha
- Makutu
- Mambo
- Oracle
- Oredna
- Ostara
- Picatrix
- Pip
- Querent
- Rider Waite
- Rune
- Sabbat
- Scepter
- Samhain
- Shillelagh
- Sigil
- Talisman
- Tapu
- Taroc
- Thelema
- Trance
- Uncle Al
- Voodoo
- Yod
- Yuletide
- Zemi

Witchy Cat Names
There are many cool and unique Wiccan names for cats and other titles with links to mythical and magical origins. It’s fun to explore the origins of these names and also read up on the lore surrounding them.
While our list isn’t exhaustive, we hope the 200+ names we’ve laid out spark inspiration. Finding a cat name can be challenging, but looking through Wiccan and mystical themes is a great place to start.
Featured Image Credit: Katrina Brown, Shutterstock