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11 Best Cat Affiliate Programs – Reviews & Top Picks of 2024

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on June 19, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

cat sitting in cardboard box

11 Best Cat Affiliate Programs – Reviews & Top Picks of 2024

cat sitting in cardboard box

If you are looking for the best cat affiliate programs of this year, you have come to the right place. In this article, we are going to take a look at the 11 best cat affiliate programs, including thorough reviews and opinions about each one. By the end, you should know a few programs that can help you earn passively today.

It is imperative to select the best affiliate program based on your niche and potential earnings so that you can maximize your profit. Not to mention, you need to consider programs that actually have potential to earn. After all, many affiliate programs today boast great earnings, but you do not ever see their promises come to fruition. Read on to learn which cat affiliate programs are worth your time.

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The 11 Best Cat Affiliate Programs in 2024

To help you start earning passively, here are some purrfect cat affiliate programs to try (pun totally intended!):

1. Affiliate Program


Commission 12%
EPC Not listed
Cookie Duration 30 days is one of the best cat affiliate programs you can select. Not only is the website specifically designed for the modern cat, but it is designed for the modern person as well. As a result, their products fit in perfectly in the modern home while still providing cats with a fun and effective play area.

We do not recommend just because of its great products. also offers a phenomenal affiliate program that can help you earn money passively. With a high earning potential, you can expect to see the fruits of your labor while using this affiliate program.

The one downside of is that it is not quite as known as some other brands. In our opinion, this is not a problem, but it may mean you have to do a little bit more introduction for the brand, which some users don’t want. Still, the great commission rates and phenomenal products make it worth the time.

  • High commission rates
  • Great products
  • Designed for the modern home and cat
  • Brand not as known

2. Affiliate Program


Commission $20 per sale
EPC Not listed
Cookie Duration 15 days

Another phenomenal affiliate program to consider is As you probably know, is a website designed to provide homeowners with easy access to a variety of pet products. Even though is not specific for cats, it is a great affiliate program for cat niches, nonetheless.

For example, comes with a huge consumer base already. As a result, it is not very hard to promote their website to your readers. Most people probably use anyways, which makes it very easy to get a high sales volume with this program. More so, $20 per sale is a pretty good commission rate.

As with anything else, is not perfect. It has a slightly longer cookie duration than some people would like, and its products are not particularly fashionable or high-end. Still, is a great affiliate program for all things pets and cats.

  • Good commission rate
  • Potential for high sales volume
  • Easy to promote
  • Not specifically for cats
  • Not high-end

3. Zooplus UK Affiliate Program


Commission 2-3% per sale
EPC Not listed
Cookie Duration 45 days

Another all around great affiliate program for all things pet related is Zooplus UK. Zooplus UK is a provider that offers a variety of pet products across Europe. Much like, Zooplus UK offers many products for a wide range of animals, ranging from small guinea pigs to giant Great Danes.

As for the affiliate program, Zooplus UK offers a commission rate between 2% and 3% per sale. This is not a very high commission rate, but it could be smart to incorporate it into your marketing scheme if you do have some European followers. Not to mention, the fact that it promotes a wide range of products means there is the potential for high sales volume, allowing you to earn a lot more than you might expect.

One thing we do not like about Zooplus UK is its long cookie duration. It lasts 45 days, which is one of the longest cookie durations on this list. Additionally, it is not specific for cats. However, the generality of pet offerings can be a major benefit, depending on your niche and readers.

  • Great for UK followers
  • Provides great opportunities for large sales volumes
  • Offers many products
  • Not specifically for cats
  • Lower commissions

4. Petco Affiliate Program

petco logo

Commission 8%
Cookie Duration 7 days

If you live in the United States, you have probably driven past a Petco at one point or another. In 2019 alone, Petco generated a revenue of over $4.1 billion, proving just how far Petco’s reach is within the pet industry. Petco offers a variety of products for many pets, including cats.

Even though Petco is not specific for cats, the affiliate program can be a smart one to participate in if you have a cat niche. Because Petco offers so many products online and in person, you will definitely be able to find a product that you can promote. More so, the generality of the store means that you could also promote other animal content if you want to occasionally talk about dogs, birds, or other pets.

The commission rate is 8% for sale. 8% is pretty high, but keep in mind that most Petco shoppers do not spend a lot at one time, which results in lower priced earnings for you. Luckily, the cookie duration only lasts seven days.

  • High brand recognition
  • Suitable for many pets
  • Moderately high percentage
  • Short cookie duration
  • Not cat specific
  • Hard to hit high earnings

5. VetShop Affiliate Program

vetshop logo

Commission 10%
Cookie Duration 7 days

Thanks to the Internet, finding health care for your cat and pets is easier than ever. With sites like VetShop, you can easily find over the counter pet medications to make sure your cat is as healthy as possible. Of course, VetShop also offers medications for other pets, not just cats.

When you use the VetShop affiliate program, you get a commission rate up 10%. 10% is a pretty good percentage on its own. Not to mention, health care products are expensive. This means that the 10% you get will be much larger than a 10% you would get at another site. So, you can make some serious earnings when using the VetShop affiliate program.

Much like some of the other affiliate programs discussed so far, VetShop is not specific for cats. Depending on your niche, this may be advantageous, but it could be a downside as well.

  • Good commission percentage
  • High ability to make a lot
  • Great products that everyone needs
  • Not specific for cats

6. Jackson Galaxy Affiliate Program

Jackson Galaxy logo

Commission 8%
Cookie Duration 30 days

Now that we have looked at our favorite cat affiliate program and great all around pet affiliate programs, let’s look more at affiliate programs generated specifically for cat owners. Let’s start with the Jackson Galaxy affiliate program.

Although the name Jackson Galaxy may not ring a bell, his show might. Do you remember the show on Animal Planet called My Cat From Hell? If so, Jackson Galaxy is the cat expert who knows how to read feline behavior to change it for the better.

On the Jackson Galaxy website, you can purchase a variety of products related to feline health and behavior. For example, they offer holistic pet treatments. The website even sells cat clothes, toys, litter, and anything else you might need for your feline friend.

The Jackson Galaxy affiliate program is awesome too. It has a commission rate of 8%, though the EPC is not listed. This is a pretty good commission rate for a cat affiliate program. Given the fact that Jackson Galaxy is such a reputable person within the feline world, it shouldn’t be hard to get a large sales volume as well.

As for the downside, it does have a tracking cookie that lasts 40 days, which is a bit on the long side. Still, it is an overall great program to try out for cat niches.

  • Great reputation
  • Great products
  • High commission rate
  • Cat specific
  • Long cookie duration
  • EPC not listed

7. Pretty Litter Affiliate Program

pretty litter logo (2)

Commission 5%
EPC $17.94
Cookie Duration 30 days

Kitty litter is an unfortunate reality of all cat owners. Pretty Litter takes kitty litter to the next level, though. Pretty Litter is smart cat litter that communicates with you about your cat’s health. For example, it can detect a number of issues, such as an inflamed bladder, UTI, or kidney acidosis. More so, Pretty Litter traps odors without adding any more fragrances to your home.

In terms of their affiliate program, Pretty Litter is very impressive. They have a commission rate of 13.5% and an EPC of $17.94. These two facts mean that you have a lot to work with in terms of earning potential. You can earn a lot from small volumes or high volumes alike given that kitty litter is a must for all cat owners.

Like many of the other affiliate programs on this list, the tracking code lasts for 30 days, which is a bit on the long side, but it is not unbearable either. Additionally, the Pretty Litter products may be too expensive for some audiences, so market it wisely.

  • High commission percentage
  • Great product
  • Cat specific
  • May be out of some reader’s price points
  • Long tracking duration

8. Two Crazy Cat Ladies Affiliate Program

two crazy cat ladies logo

Commission TBD
Cookie Duration TBD

Two Crazy Cat Ladies is a phenomenal business that can help connect cat owners to proper health care supplements and treatments. Two Crazy Cat Ladies offers all natural treats, health supplements, and healthy food, allowing cat owners to know their pets are being properly cared for.

Currently, it seems that they are updating their commissions program. So, there is not a whole lot of information at the moment. Still, Two Crazy Cat Ladies is a great company that cat owners should be promoting, both for their own benefit and for the benefit of cats everywhere.

In the future, we hope that we can update you about the exact offerings of the affiliate program. In the meantime, you can sign up yourself or try out their products on your own.

  • Wonderful company that connects cats to great healthcare
  • All-natural ingredients
  • Cat specific
  • Affiliate program is still being created
  • Minimal information about program specifics

9. Cat Spraying No More Affiliate Program

cat spraying no more logo

Commission 75%
Cookie Duration 60 days

If you simply go onto Cat Spraying No More’s website, you will probably think that you are going to get a virus of some kind. It looks very click baity, but it is actually a good website that gives you a lot of information. The website specifically pinpoints the issue of cats peeing all over the house.

What the Cat Spraying No More website sells is a digital product that is written by a veterinarian technician with over a decade’s worth of experience. She provides great information that can help cat owners fight spraying.

In terms of the affiliate program, Cat Spraying No More has some of the best offerings. It has a commission percentage of 75%, and you can also up sell some products for profits. With these facts in mind, you could theoretically make $100 per sale made through your link.

Although the program certainly has really impressive commission percentages, it may be hard to get as large of a sales volume as you would like. As we mentioned above, the website does look a bit like a scam, which may prevent many users from purchasing the product. You may want to point out the fact that even though it looks like a click bait website, it really is not.

  • Great product that helps with a legitimate cat issue
  • Highest commission percentage
  • Bad website may prevent reader’s from buying the content
  • Long cookie duration

10. Tuft + Paw Affiliate Program

taft+paw logo

Commission 12%
EPC $76.72
Cookie Duration 60 days

Tuft + Paw brings a stylish and attractive spin on the classic cat furniture. This website specifically manufacturers and sells high end cat furniture, including scratching posts, beds, trees, and boxes. These products do not look tacky and are designed to fit in perfectly with the modern home instead.

If you want to sell high end content to your users, the Tuft + Paw affiliate program may be a great choice for you. They offer a commission rate of 12% and an EPC of $76.72. You do not have to do a lot of pre selling. You only have to promote the content available.

The major downside of this affiliate program is that it is not ideal if your readers are primarily looking for budget based options. Tuft + Paw products are high end and cost a pretty penny. If you do not think your readers will be able to afford these sort of products, you might not want to waste your time on this program. Additionally, the tracking cookie last 60 days, which is very long.

  • Gorgeous products
  • Great commission rate
  • Expensive products mean that it must be sold to the right audience
  • Long tracking period

11. Petplan Affiliate Program

petplan logo

Commission $25 per lead
Cookie Duration 30 days

If you have ever had a pet before, which we are assuming you have, you know just how expensive medical costs can be with your pet. In the case something should go wrong, it is always great to have pet insurance so that you do not have to pay extremely high bills on top of stressing for the health of your cat.

Petplan is a great health insurance provider for pet lovers. They offer various plans for different pets, including cats. The Petplan affiliate program offers $25 per lead. Within the right sub-niche, you can make a whole lot of money.

Of course, keep in mind that many pet owners do not get pet insurance. Because of this fact, you will need to market this product strategically so as to maximize your earnings. If you know that most of your readers are penny pinchers who can’t afford pet insurance, the Petplan affiliate program may not be for you.

  • High potential earnings
  • Great product for the right reader
  • Not ideal for all cat readers

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After reading this article, we hope that you found a great cat affiliate program to try out. We definitely recommend trying This is our favorite cat specific affiliate program because it offers great products that cat owners will love. and Zooplus UK are also great programs because they provide a variety of products that you can market to many users.

Of course, we recommend using multiple of these affiliate programs if able. Varying your affiliate marketing promotions can help you maximize your dollar at all of these locations. Good luck and happy earning!

Featured Image Credit: AssiaPix, Shutterstock

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