Melissa Gunter

A native of East Tennessee, Melissa is an avid animal lover who enjoys writing in her notebooks and playing outside with her many pets. Currently, she has two cats, Princess and Pepper, who are total opposites that demand constant attention. Her three dogs, Jazzy, Whitey, and Demon, are spunky troublemakers. Melissa is also a dedicated wife and mother to two children. Beyond her career as a freelance cat writer, she's a published Indie author under the pen name Rena Marin!

a feral cat lying under a car

Can a Feral Cat Be Domesticated? Vet-Reviewed Facts & Considerations

It’s difficult for an animal lover to walk or drive down the street only to find homeless cats roaming around. In some neighborhoods, entire populations of cats are fending for themselves and have since they were born. These cats, who have no interactions with humans and live outdoors, are known as feral cats. These cats

Can a Feral Cat Be Domesticated? Vet-Reviewed Facts & Considerations Read More »

Can Cats Eat Maple Syrup

Can Cats Eat Maple Syrup? Vet-Approved Risks & Recommendations

Cats can be unpredictable creatures that aren’t big on abiding by the rules. If your cat wants to investigate something, they will. If your cat sees something they think could be tasty on the counter, they’ll most likely go for it. That’s just how cats are. This leaves kitty owners constantly trying to learn what’s

Can Cats Eat Maple Syrup? Vet-Approved Risks & Recommendations Read More »

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