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How Long Does a Tuxedo Cat Live? Average Lifespan & Care Tips

Written by: Christian Adams

Last Updated on May 3, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

tuxedo cat with yellow eyes

How Long Does a Tuxedo Cat Live? Average Lifespan & Care Tips

Tuxedo cats have a unique coat coloration that makes them appear like they’re wearing formal wear. If you are the proud owner of one of these gorgeous piebald cats, you likely have many questions about their longevity. How long do Tuxies live? Are there variables that can lengthen or shorten your pet’s life?

Let’s begin with the short answer. Tuxedo cats can live for 15 years on average.

Tuxedo cats are not a specific feline breed. As such, their breed is one of the main determining factors of their life expectancy. Other aspects like living environment, diet, exercise, and routine medical care can also impact their life expectancy.

Read on for a more detailed answer about a Tuxedo cat’s lifespan. We will discuss why some cats live longer than others and also share a guide on how to tell your pet’s age.

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What’s the Average Lifespan of a Tuxedo Cat?

The average life expectancy of Tuxedo cats varies among breeds. But like most domestic cats, they live for an average of 15 years.

Some individuals live into their late teens and early 20s with proper care and veterinary attention. Preventative care and routine veterinary checkups are among the top aspects that contribute to a longer life expectancy.

tuxedo cat resting on log
Image Credit: Bettina Calder, Shutterstock

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Why Do Some Tuxedo Cats Live Longer Than Others?

It’s no secret that some cats will live longer than others. Here is a detailed overview of the major things that can influence your cat’s longevity.

1. Nutrition

Diet is a critical factor that can influence your Tuxie’s life expectancy. Unsurprisingly, cats that eat nutritious and balanced diets live longer.

An optimal diet should be nutrient-packed, moisture-rich, and suitable for your cat’s breed and activity levels. It must also provide the caloric and nutritional requirements of your furry friend based on their current life stage.

2. Environment and Conditions

Indoor Tuxies tend to live longer than their outdoor counterparts. While they have an average life expectancy of 10 to 15 years, outdoor cats only enjoy a lifespan of 2 to 5 years on average.

Keeping a cat indoors ensures an enriched life, a better diet, proper veterinary care, and protection from environmental hazards. Your home also eliminates the risk of health problems or death caused by certain diseases and perils like attacks from other animals and traffic accidents.

For an indoor Tuxie to have increased chances of living longer, don’t underestimate the need to provide social stimulation.

Companionship offered by other family members or pets can boost your furry friend’s overall well-being by alleviating stress and anxiety. Remember that the adverse effects of loneliness and boredom can also lead to a shorter lifespan.

Image Credit: slidesl, Shutterstock

3. Size

Unhealthy weight gain increases the risk of health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, orthopedic concerns, and liver disease.

Every pound of excess weight can shorten your furry friend’s life by up to 6 months.

Providing a proper diet and plenty of physical stimulation is the surest way to avoid weight-related health problems. You must do regular weight checks to ensure your pet remains within a healthy range based on their breed.

4. Sex

On average, female Tuxedo cats live slightly longer than their male counterparts. Males are more prone to injuries or death brought about by risky behaviors like fighting. Also, they are more susceptible to diseases like heart disease and urinary tract infections, which can impact their longevity.

Sex doesn’t have a significant influence on life expectancy. Most Tuxies, irrespective of sex, live long and healthy lives, provided they receive proper care and attention.

tuxedo cat sitting on cemented ground
Image Credit: Yannick McCabe-Costa, Pixabay

5. Genes

The size of your Tuxedo cat will highly depend on their breed and genetic composition. Generally, small- and medium-sized felines like the American Curl and Munchkin live longer than giant breeds like the Manx and Maine Coon. Still, even large Tuxies enjoy a relatively long life span with proper care.

The life expectancies of common Tuxedo cats based on their breeds are as follows:

Sphynx: 10 to 15 years
American Shorthair: 15 to 20 years
Scottish Fold: About 15 years
Maine Coon: 10 to 13 years
Persian: 10 to 17 years
Manx: 8 to 14 years
Munchkin: 12 to 15 years
Burmese: 16 to 18 years
Norwegian Forest Cat: About 15 years
Exotic Shorthair: 12 to 15 years

6. Breeding History

Mixed breeds typically live longer than their purebred counterparts. Their genetic diversity reduces the risk of congenital diseases that can shorten their lifespans. While a mixed-breed Tuxie can live for 14 to 16 years on average, the average lifespan of a purebred Tuxedo is 12.5 years.

7. Healthcare

The quality of healthcare offered contributes largely to the chances of some Tuxedo cats living longer than others.

While preventative care increases their odds of dodging numerous health problems, routine vet visits increase the likelihood of early detection and treatment of potentially deadly diseases.

tuxedo cat sitting on the floor inside the house
Image Credit: Liao Zhiwo Henry, Shutterstock

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The 5 Life Stages of a Tuxedo Cat

Cats have five main life stages, and Tuxies are not an exception. Because different life stages tag along with specific physical and behavioral changes, knowing your pet’s age can help ensure you provide proper nutrition, physical stimulation, attention, and affection.

1. Kitten (0 to 6 Months)

Kittens grow rapidly and are highly energetic, playful, and affectionate. This increases the chances of accidents, making it necessary to cat-proof your home.

2. Junior (6 Months to 2 Years)

Tuxedos in the junior life stage reach sexual and physical maturity and settle into their true personalities. When your kitty is a year old, they will be ready to transition from kitten food to adult food.

3. Adult (3 to 6 Years)

Tuxies in their prime are at the peak of their health. They stand tall, have sleek bodies, and look great because of their smooth and shiny coats.

Image Credit: Esin Deniz, Shutterstock

4. Mature Adult (7 to 10 Years)

Tuxedos begin showing signs of aging once they enter the “mature” life stage. You can expect to notice a slight decrease in activity levels. It is also common for a cat’s medical needs to evolve at this point, making it crucial to be more vigilant of common ailments that strike during the senior life stage.

5. Senior (11 to 14+ Years)

Senior Tuxies have a lower tolerance for disturbances because of their decreased energy levels. Fortunately, their bodies still allow them to enjoy considerable physical and mental stimulation.

It is common for senior cats to experience a drastic drop in their appetite. You can encourage your furry friend to eat by switching to kibbles for senior cats. Most importantly, you must schedule more regular health checkups as advised by your vet.

tuxedo cat on the tree
Image Credit: Lynn, Pixabay

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How to Tell Your Tuxedo Cat’s Age

Most Tuxies retain youthful looks even as mature adults. Once they stop growing at two years, it is tricky to tell their age based on their outward appearance. Still, there are behavioral changes that can help you estimate an older cat’s age.

Generally, kittens under 6 months undergo a growth spurt and gain roughly a pound each month. Also, they have baby teeth which begin falling out at around four months.

You can tell your cat is at least 2 years old if you notice tartar accumulation on their teeth. It is probably a mature adult if their teeth also seem worn out.

An even better indicator of age is the eyes. The eye lenses appear denser once a cat turns into a mature adult. By the time it becomes a senior at 10 years, its eyes will seem a little cloudy. Tuxies in their senior life stage also do little or no self-grooming.

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Final Thoughts

Tuxedo cats will live for more than 15 years, provided they receive proper care and routine veterinary checks. Also, don’t underestimate the need to make dietary and exercise routine changes based on your cat’s life stage.

So, what if you have no idea about your Tuxie’s age? Your vet can help you make an educated guess through physical exams and blood work. It is not uncommon for Tuxedo cats to live beyond the 20-year mark.

Featured Image Credit: Rosy_Photo, Pixabay

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