Amanda Steele

Amanda Steele is a freelance writer, sometimes poet, and life-long animal enthusiast. She has a degree in Creative Writing and has worked as a professional writer for over five years. Amanda loves all pets whether adorable or strange and is a parent to 10 scaly and furry kids that she spends most of her time doting on. Her mission is to help others see the value in all the creatures we share this world with, and she specializes in cats, dogs, ferrets, and reptiles. While Amanda writes about a lot of other topics, too, anything animal-related is her favorite.

Cat sitting on a vet metal table

How to Tell if My Cat Needs Their Glands Expressed? 6 Vet-Verified Signs

As a cat owner, you need to make sure your beloved friend is healthy, and sometimes that means dealing with bodily functions that aren’t so pleasant. Cats have two anal sacs that help them mark their territory. The sacs are located on either side of the anus and emit a smelly, dark substance. Most of […]

How to Tell if My Cat Needs Their Glands Expressed? 6 Vet-Verified Signs Read More »

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